Hearing. (death reader x shu x luca)

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Shu's pov

"Shuuuuuu..." Luca whined.

"Yes Luca?" I replied in a tired manner.

"Where's the fooooood??" Luca asked.

"I don't knooooow." I say fake crying.

Obviously. We're hungry. And Ike, Vox, and Mysta have been gone for a hour. So obviously. We were sad.


"Shu..? What was that?" Luca said.

"I...don't know..." I answer worryingly.


"Ha ha ha! The brat can't hear!!"

"What?? Damn that's a major L!!"

"*Sniffle* *sniffle*"


"Luca. Get your gun. We have bullies. Again." I say in a serious tone.

"Right." He also said in a serious tone.

Y/n's pov

There were 4 people. 2 guys and 2 girls. I'm guessing they were dating because the girls were picking on me first and then I'm pretty sure they accused my for hurting them in some type of way because then the guys started hitting me.

I kept pointing to my ears and they kept hitting me every time I did it.

I don't understand.

Do they not care?

Do they notice or..

I try to get back up but no luck on it.

"No sit down bitch!"

I pointed at my ears again.


"Ī çáñ't h-héàr y-yôü!" I try to say but I don't think they understood me because the 2 guys kicked me.

"Speak ENGLISH!"

He forced me up and threw me twords the trash.

"Oi." A voice says.

"You know it's not nice to pick on girls." Another states.

"Let alone DEATH ones." The first voice points out.

"Wow they're hot aren't they ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛?!"

"I know right!"

"Who the hell are you 2 dweebs?"

"Uhhhh...Shu what now?" The taller male asks.

"Gun."The shorter male says.

"Does it matter?" He asked in annoyance while walking towards me.

"Ahh..ok. Lets see...which one of you were picking on the girl..? I won't kill you if you're truthful! Trust me you have my word!" He asks with a some what sinister smile.


"Just so you know Luca doesn't take liers lightly." He stated


What's happening?

There's a guy coming towards me.

There's the guy that's holding a GUN.

There's the other guys that were hurting me.

And the girls that started it all.

"Hey I'm Shu and he's Luca. We're gonna help you just give us a second please." Shu signed at me.

"How do you know sign language?" I sign back to the boy

"Oh I picked it up along my studies at school. May I know your name?" He answered my question.

"Y/n. L/n Y/n." I answered his.

"Nice to meet you Y/n!" He signs and smiles.

"Nice to meet you too." I blush and sign back.

"Thank you Shu." sign to show appreciate what they're doing for me.

"Your welcome Y/n." He signs back with a bright smile and a tiny of blush on his cheeks.

Shu grabbed my hand, helps me up, and takes me over to where Luca was.

"Well there has to be someone who caused the cutie over here pain, right?" Luca said pulling me and Shu closer to him with a smile.

"What the hell do you mean HA?! That brat was disrespectful twords us! She called us name! And you hot men take HER SIDE?!"

"What the hell do you mean hot, babe?! Don't you think I am?!"

"Um no neither of you are compared to these total steels! So I'd like to break up ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛! I'd love the one with muscles!"

"Exactly so. Let's break up too, ⬛⬛⬛! I'd rather have the one with the colorful hair."

"Thanks but no thanks. To be honest. Y/n is cuter and sweeter than the both of you combined. " Shu stated.

"Sorry ladies but I'mma have to agree with Shu on this one."




"Whoops. Didn't mean to do that. Sorry." He said with nervous smile.

I think he felt me jump from the sudden shake and Shu jump from the loud sound because he tightened his grip on the both of us to make us feel safe in his arms. Just knowing that he did that he did that for us I could tell he's a good guy. Shush a good guy too.

"Oh. Warning shots I guess." Shu said as he shrugged it off.

"Hey Luca Ike, Mysta, and Vox are back." Shu points out.

"Ahh well. We'll be taking our leave. Come on Y/n." Luca said.

"Hey are you sure you don't want-"

"No! We're perfectly fine with Y/n!" Shu yelled back.




-Luca Kaneshiro

Ther witll be a parté 2 :D

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