Chapter One

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"I think this might be a bit too far" Adira softly commented as she watched the boys chase after a pig

"Oh it's fine" Aegon threw an arm around his cousin "you need to learn how to have some fun"

"You need to know when to-"

"Look they caught it" the older boy quickly interrupted "help me tie the wings"

Aegon had come up with an idea to make Aemond feel more included with the rest. He decided to give his little brother his own dragon.

Except this was Aegon and the chances of him doing something nice were almost non existent.

Besides it's not like they could just gift him a dragon in a box.

So Aegon thought of the next best thing:

A pig

Adira had already been told off many times when she got involved with the rest to bully Aemond. She wasn't really thrilled on admitting it but she didn't really care much about the boy or the bullying. She just didn't like getting in trouble for it.

Once the boys were done, they took the pig to the pit and tied it off somewhere before heading off for Lucerys' lessons.

Adira waited with Jacaerys while Aegon dragged his whiny little brother toward the rest of the lot.

"Remind me again why I am needed here?" Aemond asked as he scanned the space with utmost boredom

"Some day you'll have a dragon" Jace spoke without even bothering to look at him "you need these lessons as much as we do"

"You forgot to throw an insult in there" the younger boy muttered

"Come now we're not that bad" Aegon slapped his brother on the back

"Yes you're even worse" Aemond mumbled earning a light chuckle from Adira

"You're one to talk" the girl rolled her eyes

The children watched as Lucerys yelled 'Dracarys' rather energetically, as if by saying it too would start breathing fire.

Once he was done both Jacaerys and Aegon looked at each other with a devilish grin before Jace nudged Adira.

"Don't ruin this now" he whispered before walking toward Luke while Aegon ushered Aemond toward the entrance of the pit.

"You know how you're the only one without a dragon here" Aegon began

"How could I forget" Aemond sulked "you remind me about it every day"

"well we feel bad about it" Adira chimed in, ignoring whatever statement Aemond was making

The boy looked at her confused. Why did she sound nice for once? She was nice of course just not to him.

"you do?" he asked sceptically to which the girl nodded in agreement with a smile.

Aemond's expression softened for a second and he offered her a smile back. Adira was almost starting to regret this prank.

"So" Aegon interrupted "we found one for you"

"A dragon?" Aemond raised a brow "how?"

Aegon smirked at Adira "the gods provide"

Aemond watched as Luke came running out with a large pig with few feathers fastened around it to act as wings.

"behold the pink dread" All the kids announced in unison before bursting out into fits of giggles.

"be sure to mount her carefully" Aegon snickered "first flight's always rough"

The boys all began to laugh before walking away leaving Aemond with his new 'dragon'.

The boy glanced at Adira who was still standing there.

He looked partly sad and partly disappointed. For a moment he thought she was being genuinely sympathetic toward him.

Adira didn't think the boy would take such offence to it. She expected the usual retaliation and insults hurled back at them. She almost felt bad for him in that moment but her pride wouldn't let her apologise so she too just walked away behind the others.

It was after supper when Adira was summoned from her chambers by Rhaenyra. She made her way to the princess' chambers to see that Jace and Luke were already there with a rather cross looking Rhaenyra.

"May I come in?" she asked to which the princess gestured for her to enter.

"you three have a knack for getting into trouble with the Hightowers" Rhaenyra sighed "is it really that hard for you all to just leave that boy alone?"

"It was just teasing mother" Luke shrugged "we were just having fun"

"you gave him a pig"

"it was funny mother" Jace giggles "you should've seen his face"

"Did he really think we'd get him a dragon?" Luke laughed with his brother.

"Enough" Rhaenyra sighed in annoyance before turning to Adira "and what do you have to say for yourself?"

"I uh" the girl looked at Jace "I did tell them it was a bad idea"

"You're no fun" the boy complained "he's not that nice to us why should we-"

"Im not saying he isn't an arse"

"Then stop trying to talk us out of-"

"That's enough all of you" The princess snapped "not another word. You three will stop this nonsense and stay away from him if thats what it takes to keep you from getting into constant fights with him"

The children looked at each other before agreeing, knowing well enough that this act was going to last not more than a few days.

AEMOND TARGARYEN//𝕯𝖆𝖓𝖈𝖊 𝖔𝖋 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖉𝖗𝖆𝖌𝖔𝖓𝖘✔️Where stories live. Discover now