Chapter 14: Coming Home

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Evie nods softly as she glances at Sarah for a moment. It seems a thought was going through her while Sarah spoke. A deep breath is taken before Evie leans forward, locking lips. One hand touched Sarah's cheek affectionately to support the motion of lips.

"Good choice, love," Sarah mumbles through the kiss, closing her eyes to enjoy the soft moving lips. Once parted, Evie sighs contently.

"I think father was wrong in some regards. Always saying to not let emotions jeopardise the mission. Why work hard when you can't enjoy love?" Evie muses.

"What a silly man. I think he meant to say to separate work from your love life. Don't worry about what he said, we should worry more about ourselves. Now, I think you have a Piece of Eden to find?" Sarah says with a wink.

"I do. See you soon, m-my love," Evie says and walks back out of the room. Sarah was left to prepare for the day and enjoy the breakfast that was brought to her. It is an amazing thing to have someone you love to care for you. Even if said person is half-winging it, that makes it even more rewarding, Sarah thought.

The morning flew by as she exits her soon-to-be former home. Either it will be sold or repurposed to suit their needs. Probably the former, but extra property under one's name can't hurt. In the early afternoon, Sarah arrived at the Kenway Mansion. People were coming and going as a lot of activity took place around the whole building. It was all under the supervision of Olivia who stood near the entrance. Sarah smiles a bit and walks towards her.

"Hey, sister, how's it coming along?" Sarah asks. Olivia chuckles as she smiles at Sarah. Her eyes look Sarah over, but soon enough motions to the side to have some privacy.

"So, Evie finally let you free?" Olivia says amused.

"Yup, I am free to roam London once more. When is the Mansion back in satisfied working order?"

Olivia sighs as she watches several crews working, some entering and exiting the building. Sarah always found that Olivia was a perfectionist when it comes to interior style. From what Sarah assumed is that the Templars probably didn't keep up with the time. Let alone cared for the building.

"Well, the building is in good shape, surprisingly. Lucy Thorne was at least nice enough to keep up with the maintenance. Unfortunately, most of the furniture was outdated and not in good condition. Mainly the third floor. So, I have ordered a bunch of new furniture and miscellaneous items for the mentioned floor and some other rooms. It should all be done in a few days, but we are able to live in it now," Olivia explains.

"Excellent," Sarah says, but pauses to scan her surroundings to make sure they are alone. Even Eagle Vision was activated to be certain no one was spying on them.

"I assume we are fully committing ourselves to the Assassins again. Even so, I care not for a dysfunctional and cowardly British Council. Shall we begin a Council here in London? It will serve and look after those in London while the other council concerns itself with the rest of the country. What do you say?" Sarah asks her sister.

"I thought you'd say something exciting. Sure, we're back in the game, but fuck the Council. They can live in shame. As such, I already prepared a section for whatever you would cook up in that head of yours," Olivia says with a smirk as she beckons Sarah to follow her.

The twins walk through the entrance and enter the familiar childhood home or part of their childhood anyway. It was only certain days they were here. They never understood it until they became older. However, it is theirs now. The crew that Olivia hired was packing up as they gave their farewell before eventually closing the door.

Olivia continued her walk to the next floor and turns to the left wing of the building. As they entered a larger room, Sarah already noticed the secure windows, doors, and walls that were 'decorated' with soundproof wallpaper. Well, thicker wallpapers with extra stuffing in the wall most likely.

In the room were all the furniture, maps, bookcases, and other items that were on the second floor in their old home. Sarah heard the moving, but she didn't expect that Olivia was making a whole war room. It does make sense, of course. They had the same set-up in the old house, only smaller.

"Did I tell you I love you, sister?"

"I can stand hearing that more often, but I know you do. As I love you, little sister."

"I will try. So," Sarah says as she turns to Olivia, "Evie was brief in the morning, but how are things going with Jacob? The way he is described is a lot like how we were back in Italy."

"Oh, he is, Sarah. He reminds me of you. Jacob is a great guy. Has the best intentions for the people, the Creed, and even Evie. It is just that he does not think about what it means to remove the Templars. I talked to him and made him understand."

"Good. Let's call a meeting as soon as possible. We all need to agree to my little outlandish plan. Have you thought about Clara? Should we bring her into this?"

"I am not sure if it matters what we think. One, she is too stubborn that she will be forcing our hand one way or another. Secondly, she is our family. The Templars will be going after her because of us. I want her trained and prepared. We will give her the option. But I want to be responsible for her training. She is my little girl."

"Of course, I won't get between you and her. It is wise to let the others train her as well. Evie can practically disappear from sight. Jacob is an excellent fighter. And we can teach her strategy and wit, but she already got that from our genes," Sarah says, throwing an arm around her sister's shoulders.

"Genes?" Olivia asks curiously. Sarah shrugs. "Read something about it. Darwin also speaks at length about traits this, traits that. It's quite a handful sometimes organising these clubs."

"I know. We did good, didn't we? Think Edward would be proud? Our great grandfather?" Olivia asks, leaning into Sarah.

"I don't know. What I do know is that mother would be proud. Are the family paintings still in the dancing room?" Sarah asks.

"Yes. I already made an appointment for Clara. Should we make one for Evie and Jacob as well?"

"Jacob? Something I should know?" Sarah asks with a smirk.

"Well, I thought you are with Evie and perhaps I try it with Jacob? He may be a dimwit at times, but he is handsome and funny. I can at least curse with him without getting reprimanded," Olivia says with a smile and shrug. It makes Sarah chuckle. Of course, she would.

"Whatever makes you happy, Olivia."

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