Chapter 24: Closure

Start from the beginning

"And... It still hurting until now, right?" her small voice asked carefully.

"Yes, a lot, even after nine years. I'll be honest with you, figuring out that I was falling again for another person was hard. I hate to acknowledge this out loud because of my pride but if keeping up this attitude means I'm hurting you, I'll acknowledge it... That I'm scared of love again, Kana."

"You know that feeling fear doesn't mean you're weak, right? I learned this with you, dad..."

"I know but isn't like how I feel. As I said to you that day, I'm okay. After being locked up in my apartment for months because of my depressed state, being able to start a new life as a professor, return to my missions, and then find you, was more than enough for me to keep going."

"Then finding out about a new love upset you."

"Yes. I don't need this and I don't want to pass through all of this again. Someday she'll leave me too, just like Naomi... I can't deal with this pain again."

"So you won't feel nothing if she finds someone else to love or... Just died now?" his heart aches with the thought. "I think is a bit too late now, dad..."

"Maybe... However, isn't too late to say I'm sorry to you again. I'm really sorry for throwing my insecurities on you and sorry for keeping you distant. I know I hurt you even more by keeping you away towards the week than by fighting you that night. I regret everything I did and said.

You're not an intrusive person, nor should stop using your senses because of what happened. I was wrong, not you. You're my daughter, a great and good one, and only wanted to help me. Now I recognized this. Please, forgive me, my kit."

Looking down at her lap, Kana took a moment to think and reflect on everything, meanwhile, he caressed her knuckles lovely, willing to do anything for her forgiveness. With a deep breath, she faced him again.

"I do forgive you, dad. I still hurt a lot because of it but now I understand your side too. Thanks for finally telling me your reason, so from now on I'll not insist on this subject ever again. I believe that you'll do the right choice by yourself." Aizawa kissed her hand, showing his gratitude. "But I wanted a mom so bad~"

     Aizawa rolls his eyes at her silly face, both laughing about it. In his heart now the peace rules, his kit is good with him and everything I'll slowly go back to the right place.

     And maybe, just maybe, he is a bit more willing to open his heart to a certain green-haired woman after this day.

"Wait, omg?!" Kana exclaimed wheezing hard all of a sudden.

"What?" Shota is confused with her laughing fit.

"What is up with the Aizawa and people with green hair?" just now both are realizing this detail, the two fell for the greenish Izuku and Emi.

"No fucking way..." even the serious man laughed now, shaking his head. "Shut up, Kana~!"

     Both stayed the rest of the night joking about this detail. Both hearts beating hard for their own green-haired loved one.

     If Aizawa will keep fearing love, only time will tell.


"I CAN'T BELIEVE WE DID IT!" Jirou screamed in the middle of the classroom.

"WE ALL DID! 2-A, HERE WE GO!" Denki and all the others are celebrating loudly.

     After long months full of training, battles, villains and a lot, A LOT of studying, finally March came and with it the results of their last exam.

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