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"NO FUCKING WAY!" i squealed from the kitchen table. suddenly, 4 heavy sets of footsteps were heard running towards me.

"cameron! CAMERON! are you okay? did something happen? are you hurt?" my brother, joey bosa, asked me. his large hands grasped my shoulders, making sure i wasn't dead.

3 other people were right behind my big brother.

"cameron teresa bosa! why'd you scream? you had us worried sick!" my mom, cheryl, said. my dad, john, nodded in agreement with his wife.

"cameron! why'd you fucking scream?" my brother, nick bosa, asked, acting like his mother hadn't asked the same question moments before.

"look." i said, motioning towards the open computer screen in front of me.

on the computer, was an email from the los angeles chargers football team. the email read...

dear miss cameron t. bosa,

we have read and contemplated your résumé and interview. and after many hours of debating, we have decided to ask you to be the new assistant coach for the los angeles chargers. it would be a pleasure to have you as apart of our staff. please consider our offer and get back to us as fast as you can. thank you and good evening.

-tom telesco, general manager of the los angeles chargers

"no. fucking. WAY!! congrats cameron! are you going to accept?" nick asked, excited for his younger sister.

"no, nick, i'm not going to accept my dream job that i've dreamt about since i was 10!" i exclaimed at the stupidness of my big brother.

"jeez cam. settle down." nick rolled his eyes dramatically.

"i think that's great! 2 of my kids working for the chargers, one of them being a player and the other as a coach!" my dad exclaimed as he gave me a hug.

"thanks dad. at least someone's proud of me." i joked.

"hey! i'm gonna be one of your players. i'm excited too!" joey exclaimed as he wrapped his arms around me in a hug.

nick dramatically sighed as joey and I turned to face him.

"dude, I'm in san fran. I feel out of the loop!" nick wiped a "tear" from underneath his.

"nick, it's only like... a 5 hour drive from san fran to la!" joey tried to lighten the mood of his little brother.

"5 HOURS! that's a fucking long ass drive!" nick raised his arms up and slapped the tops of his thighs.

"ay, you're lucky I'm not im cleveland or some shit! it would take a whole ass day to drive there. be grateful, nicky." i warned the 49er.

"whatever cam." nick rolled his eyes as he headed to the kitchen.


a few days later, the coaches invited me to a " initiation dinner". it's where all
the coaches have a dinner together and welcome the new coaches to the staff. they let joey tag along with me because he wouldn't stop begging staley to let him go.

"now, i would like to welcome one of our newest staff members, cameron bosa!" tom introduced me as the crowd of employees clapped for me.

"she has been hired as the new assistant coach after our previous coach retired. welcome miss bosa!" everyone clapped again in my honor.

"thank you! i would like to thank everyone who helped me get into this spot. i'm so excited to be here with you all. this has been my dream since i was a kid and i'm so glad to be here now!" i smiled as the crowd clapped once again.

we all started to eat our dinner when I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was brian staley, the head coach for the chargers.

"hey, i just wanted to let you know i'm so excited to have someone new at my side that i know i can trust. i mean, you're a bosa, what's not to trust!" staley laughed and i laughed along with him.

"why thank you mr. staley. i'm glad to help out whenever it's needed." i smiled.

"please, we're coworkers, call me brian or staley. whichever one."

"ok then, staley."


"oh, and you're head coach, he's so funny! not to mention he's such a sweetheart! i mean, he was so nice!" i gawked over my new coworker to joey.

"cameron." joey said as i turned to make eye contact with him. we were standing right in front of the closed, front door inside the house.


"now, since you're officially the assistant coach, i have came up with a few rules to keep life at work... neutral." joey said. i rolled my eyes at his protectiveness.

"number 1, you cannot show my teammates any embarrassing photos/videos of me from any age range. and no embarrassing storytelling either." i nodded, thinking this rule wasn't too bad.

"number 2, only refer to me as joey, no other names." i smirked, thinking of all the nicknames i have for joey.

"ok, so no joseph, tony, squirt, den-"

"yeah, yeah! none of the above." he cut me off by raising the tone of his voice.

"and finally, no dating any of my teammates. especially justin herbert. i mean, don't get me wrong, justin's a great guy but his daring history is pretty sketchy. i mean, the longest relationship he had was in high school and it only lasted 8 months."

justin herbert is the quarterback for the los angeles chargers. everything about that guy screams hot. from his body to his eyes to his perfect, silky, golden hair. the guy was a smoke show, and i'm not just saying that because he lives in the la heat.

i had heard about justin in passing but i've never actually seen what he looked like but i just knew he was the quarterback for the chargers and he was really good.

"ok, those seem pretty easy to follow. especially the last one. i mean, i'm gonna be too focused on my job anyway to have any time to date." i told my older brother.

"ok cameron. but just remember, herbert is strictly off limits. understand?" i nod my head, not knowing what the future had in store for me.

first chapter out!!
i'm so excited to write this
anyways, thanks for reading ❤️❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2023 ⏰

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