
Maggie browsed the aisles, picking out the items on her list and some as Mike slowly stalked behind her. She was taking her time, walking leisurely, so it wasn't like Mike had to rush. They had made small talk, but for the most part, they were content to remain silent. Every now and then, when Maggie needed something from the upper shelves, she would turn to Mike for help, his height coming in handy. 

"You know you can pick out some items as well. You are eating with us, as well, right?" Maggie asked to the silent air.

Mike turned to her, hands sliding into his pockets as he did so. "I mean, yeah. Where else would I go?" He didn't mean for it to sound rude or dismissive. It was just how he always talked. Maybe that's why adults didn't like him.

She hums to herself, "may I ask you a question?" He nods his head as she continues. "I hope you don't get too upset, but I can't help but wonder... What happened to your mother?"

"Um... That's, uh..."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be so forward and upset you, dear."

"No, no," he said, trying to reassure her. "You're fine. It's just... She didn't want me. She made that very clear." He shrugs indifferently, but the sadness in his eyes betrayed his true feelings. Maggie looks at him sympathetically, understanding the pain of rejection all too well.

"Well," she started, picking out some eggs. "That's her loss. You are a wonderful kid, and she will regret what she did and all the time she missed out on your life. You are very wise, compassionate, and full of life and potential. I couldn't imagine not watching Richie grow up. He was a handful, but he was ours. Always getting into trouble and testing my patience more than once. But I wouldn't have changed anything. Because I got to see what an amazing person he grew up to be today."

She places the carton of eggs in the cart and sends Mike a little farther down to grab something else for her. "You deserve someone who loves and supports you unconditionally, and I'm glad you've found your way into our life. Into Richie's life. Because now, you're not alone." Mike kept quiet the entire time during her rant, hoping the conversation would end soon before he started crying in the middle of the store, but Maggie wasn't finished. "Do you miss home?"

This was something easy to answer. "I miss my friends."

"Why don't you call them?"

Mike looks away, "it's complicated. They probably know what happened by now, and I just can't face them."

As Mike stood there, he couldn't help but wonder why he was opening up to her, but Maggie must have read his mind as she giggled. "Don't worry. I just have that face that makes people spill their life stories to me."

Mike couldn't help but let out an awkward chuckle in response, "yea, I guess that's true."

They walked the aisles in silence for a bit before Maggie spoke again, tone gentle. "Do you miss your family?"

Mike hesitated before answering, stumbling over his answer. "I-Sometimes." He responds softly, "I mean, they weren't the best, but they were still my parents, you know? Plus, I miss my sisters."

Maggie was surprised. "You have sisters?" She asked curiosity piqued. Mike froze, looking everywhere but at Maggie in a panic. "And I thought it was just you and your mom? I wasn't aware you had a father figure in your life. At least, Richie told us you didn't."

Mike shifted nervously, feeling exposed. He had never been one to open up about his family, and he didn't like the idea of someone knowing his personal life. But, he appreciated Maggie's concerns. It was nice knowing someone cared. "Near the end, it was. They divorced after he found out I wasn't really his. My older sister is of age, but dad took the youngest. Mom blamed me and dropped me off at Richie's."

Look What I Found!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz