Ch. 3

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Richie and 'Jason' couldn't have gotten out of there any quicker. It was a miracle that they didn't run into that doctor, which Richie will forever be grateful for.

Nosy bastard.

Driving downtown, Jason kept shifting in his seat, probably due to the pain meds leaving his system.

"How much longer?" He practically whined the arm that didn't have a splint held loosely around his ribs.

"Any minute, kid. It's just a left up here."

And just as he said, there was a pharmacy up just around the corner. God, he hated these places. But, if he didn't want the kid to be in pain, he would have to suck it up.

The kid wouldn't stop whining and kicking at the floor as he pulled in to park. "Your car is so dirty. Don't you ever clean it?"

And ok, yea, so his car was a bit dirty and cramped at the moment. Probably not making the situation any better for the kid.


"And is all you drink and eat fast food and booze? That's all there is here—more alcohol bottles than fast-food orders."

"Ok! You don't get to judge me since I got your scrawny ass off the side of the road-"

"-I told yo-"

"And! I am picking up and paying for your meds, so.. You're welcome!" And with a huff, he climbed out of the car, slammed the door, and walked away. If he's going to have this kid around for a while, he will either have to hide his drinks or quit drinking altogether.

He snorted like that last one was going to happen. Walking to the counter, he asked the young lady for the prescriptions under Jason Wright and waited while she went to the back. Pulling out his phone, which was nearly dead, he saw he had multiple missed calls from each loser individually and within the group chat. How fun.

He pocketed his phone and thanked the lady before taking ahold of the bag and hurrying out of that god-awful place.

Walking around the corner, he nearly dropped the bag. His car was empty! Where was the kid?!

"Jason!" He hurries towards the car, opening the door and tossing the bags into the passenger seat before checking the back. "Jason!"

He quickly scanned the parking lot but turned back towards the store when he didn't see him. Maybe he went inside? What if he scared him off?! Shit, shit, SHIT! He shouldn't have been so rude to the kid.

As soon as he went to walk back inside, he saw the kid limping out, still holding his ribs.

"Kid!" Richie yelled, practically jogging over to the boy. "Where did you run off to? I almost thought you decided to ditch me and abandon your free drugs."

"I just went to the bathroom. I walked right by you," Jason said, giving him an odd look.

Richie drew up a blank, "oh... Must not have seen you."

The kid snorted before looking Richie up and down, "where're my meds? Cause I'm hurting like a bitch right now."

"Oh shit! Right, it's in the car on your side." He hobbled towards his side, Richie staying close to him the entire time.

"I'm not some cripple," the kid mumbled in all his angsty teen glory. Richie just scoffed while opening the door for the kid.

Not bothering with answering back, he walked back to his side. The moment he had the door shut, he instantly started talking.

"Ok! So, first things first, we're going to get something to eat. It's daylight now, so that means breakfast! Where to kid?"

Jason looked genuinely shocked about being asked, "um... Anything is fine, really."

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