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"I hear we're getting a new student today." I hear a lot of people say to one another. I roll my eyes at just about everyone who says that because I know it's not true. This school spreads rumors like no other. Stupid ones too. Like I remember one was that Mr. Meadows and Ms. Coleman have sex in the bathroom during lunch period. And another one that the cafeteria serves real, edible food. Complete bull shit.

I make my way to home room, science with Mr. Meadows. I walk inside and make my way to my seat in the back of the room.

"Hey girl!" My best, well, only friend says as I sit down.
"Heyy." I reply and lightly laugh.

Andrew is my GBF. Which means 'gay best friend.' I'm the only one who knows for a fact that's he's gay though. Everyone else just assumes he's gay, but he won't admit it. I don't blame him though. High school fuck boys are the worst.

"I hear we're getting a new student!" He says excitedly.
"I hear that too. I don't believe it though. Rumors spread at this school like a wild fire."
He nods. "true true."
We just talk until Mr.Meadows walks in the classroom.

"Morning class!" He says cheekily.
Everyone just groans. Except for like, five people who either like class or are just kiss ups.
"We have a new student joining our class today!" He says.
"Told youuu" Andrew whispers to me.
I secretly flip him of and we both laugh.
"Come introduce your self, Jonathan." Mr.Meadows says to someone outside the door. At that time, a boy walks inside the class room slowly with his head down, already getting laughs from fellow fuck boys. I can't tell much about him since he has his head down. He walks to Mr. Meadows and he Puts his hand on Jonathan's shoulder. At that moment, Jonathan slowly lifts his head up and gives everyone a shy smile.


He. Is. Hot.

Like woah.

His blonde hair, blue eyes, and freckles make him so perfect.

"Quit drooling Kaylin." Andrew whispers to me.
"Oh shut up," I whisper jokingly, "I know for a fact that you're praying he's gay." I say. He jokingly rolls his eyes at me and we lightly laugh at each other.

"H-hi." Jonathan says quietly out loud.

He has a stutter.

I'm trying not to squeal.

He's too cute to handle.

He gets a few smiles and a few hellos, but not much at all. He mostly gets laughed at or whispered about. He looks back down at the floor after he sees the reaction he's getting.

"Well Jonathan, pick any seat you'd like." Mr. Meadows says to him with a smile. Jonathan nods and walks to the back to find a seat. He sets his stuff on the desk and sits down... at the desk next to mine. I smile at him and he smiles sweetly back to me. I look at Andrew and he just winks at me and gives me a small thumbs up. I just giggles and roll my eyes jokingly at him.

"Kaylin?" Mr.Meadows says.
"Yes sir?"
"Could you maybe explain to Jonathan about this class and the school to make him feel more welcome?" He asks me.

Hell yes

"Of course." I reply and smile.

Photo is of Jonathan either smiling at the class, Kaylin, or both. you can decide lol. Hope you like the first chapter! Oh & Jonathan didn't really have a stutter in real life. I just got the idea from his character in 'Steven King's, It'

Behind the Blue Eyes// Jonathan Brandis «possibly continuing»Where stories live. Discover now