Animal Crossing

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Animal Crossing is one of the most popular video game franchises.

And I grew up playing the games.

I was about 7 or 8 when I started playing Animal Crossing. And I still play it to this day.

The first game I played was City Folk on the Wii. My first town was called Japan. Why? Well... when I started playing Animal Crossing, I thought it meant your favorite town. (Even thought Japan isn't a town, but I DIDN'T KNOW THAT YET.) And I've always wanted to go to Japan. I remember my house was HUGE. The villagers I remember having was, Pango, Rhonda, Dotty, Kiki, Francine, and I think Poppy, Prince, and Lily (not at the same time though) My next town was Toy City. The only villagers I remember having was Goldie and Cookie. And, when I got a Wii U and realized you could still play Wii games, I went back on it... BUT THEN I LOST ALL MY DATA. So, I was forced to make a new save file, which was named Limbing... DON’T JUDGE. And I still have that save file!

The next game I played was Wild World on the DS. A friend of my older sister gave me her old DS, which came with a lot of games. But, My mom let me get Wild World. I don't remember that much of it... but I do remember my town was called Bay City. I don't have that DS anymore, but whoever has it now, is probably having the time of their lives with my save file.

On December 31st, 2015, I got my first 3DS, and got New Leaf. My first town was called Sky City. And I still have photos from that town. All I remember is having Miranda and Flurry. When I got my first dream villager Rosie, I kept on deleting my save file JUST to get her. But after deleting a lot of save files, I just gave up and stuck with the town I currently have right now, Kutytown. I have Sterling, ROSIE (finally) Kabuki, Eugene, Portia, Cherry, Elvis, Melba, and Big Top. I love all my villagers. I used to have Peanut, but she moved away a year or 2 ago. I still have her photo and goodbye letter.

The last and final game I played is New Horizons. I got it on... October 7th, 2020. My island is called Baritone and my villagers include Ava, Bonbon, Octavian, Tucker, Pashmina, Julia, Biskit, Kyle, Chabwick, and Sprocket. Most of these I got from amiibo cards. Bonbon was one of the 3 villagers that came with the plots, and she is the only remaining default villager I still have. I love my islanders, especially Bonbon. She was a SWEETHEART. Merengue has been on my top 3 dream villagers. 1: Rosie. 2: Fauna. And 3: Merengue.

I remember believing about the second floor in City Folk... I was SO gullible like everyone was.

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