[•] Chapter 1- Comfort [•]

201 4 7

Requested(?)- Yes

Genre- Angst

Trigger warning- Spoilers for sdra2 and dra 





☺Rei- Pov☺

I woke up around 10:24 from the sound of crying. I rubbed my eyed tiredly looking at my lovely girlfriend next to me. It took me a second to notice what was going on. She was crying while staring at her phone tears dripping on the screen. 

"Mikako, darling what's wrong?" I asked rubbing her back comfortingly. She sniffled before explaining.

"Today......... Is my mom's...... Birthday." She began to sob as she chocked on her words. I pulled her into a hug stroking her hair slowly. "Would you like to talk about it." Mikako nodded as I quietly pulled her out of the hug, laying her head down on my lap. I grabbed some tissues for her incase she would start crying again. I listened carefully to her story stroking the sides for my fingers against her cheek.

"When I was younger... Mama didn't love... Me, infact I think she.... Hated me. She never gave me the benefit of having a happy childhood..... It wasn't until I was 5 when she starter doing 'tests' on me....... Which is why.... I faint everytime I.... Show to much...... Emotion... And today is her birthday..... She has a new daughter (I'm referring to next genronpa) and..... She loves..... Her new daughter...... Why didn't she love me..?.... Like she did.... Her NEW daughter......." I listened as Mikako explained her trauma she was still crying. But quietly.. I grabbed a tissue and wiped her tears. 

"Hey look your mom doesn't know what she's missing out on, she should be proud to have raised such an amazing and beautiful daughter." I kissed Mikako on the cheek holding her tightly in my arms.

She smiled.

"I love you Mikako darling.." I told her. "I love you to Rei." I kissed her on ths forehead before pulled her back. So I could cuddle with her. "I will NEVER let that woman touch you ever again.. Your safe with me.." But before I could finish Mikako was already fast asleep. She slept peacefully in my arms. I closed my eyes soon falling asleep myself.


I really liked this chapter I feel like I did really good! I hope it isn't to short and I'm sorry if it is..

[Word count]


Reikako [Rei x Mikako] |°| OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now