"I was scared of you at first, but you really are just a sweet marshmallow," Seonghwa said with a soft giggle. Hongjoong frowned at that but let it go.

"I um, I agree. With the meaning as well, I wanna have it," Seonghwa said.

"You wanna protect me," Hongjoong asked softly. Seonghwa whined in embarrassment, tucking his face further into Hongjoong's shoulder before nodding his head.

"That's sweet, but I'm pretty sure I can protect myself better than you can," Hongjoong said with a light chuckle. Seonghwa frowned but huddled closer and clutched Hongjoong tighter.

"I appreciate it though Seonghwa. I apologise for not consulting you first before doing this, I should've done that," Hongjoong said.

"It's ok," Seonghwa whispered quietly. Hongjoong nodded and they remained hugging each other tightly, their heads pressed against each other's. Hongjoong turned his head slightly his cheek brushing against Seonghwa's and Seonghwa's breath caught in his throat slightly. They both remained quiet, just breathing together, their faces pressed against each other. Seonghwa's heart was pounding and he slowly turned his head a little more, his nose lightly pressing against the others and their breaths intermingling. Hongjoong's breathing hitched but he moved his hand up to gently cup Seonghwa's neck. Seonghwa's hands moved lower and they rested against Hongjoong's hips as they continued to stand there, centimetres apart from each other. Hongjoong's eyes flicked up and they met the soft, sparkling ones in front of him. He doesn't know what possessed him, but something did because before he could stop himself, he was moving forwards and pressing his lips against the olders. Seonghwa froze for a second before leaning into the kiss. It lasted all of 3 seconds before they both pulled back quickly with wide eyes. Seonghwa's heart pounded and he panicked.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry," he whimpered before bolting out of the room quickly. Hongjoong was too shocked from what just happened to react so he remained frozen in place where he was, his mind reeling over what just happened.

Seonghwa ran quickly, going up the steps to the top of the deck. He cursed himself and his breathing picked up as he begun to panic. Why would he do that? They've only been getting along for a week or two and he's already messed it up. Why would he go and kiss him like that? Hongjoong was giving him a hug an he just went and did that. God, he's awful. He is an awful person.

"Seonghwa, you ok?" Seonghwa spun around quickly to see Mingi walking over. Mingi was concerned as he saw the rapid rise and fall of Seonghwa's chest and the panicked look on his face.

"What's wrong," he asked quickly, walking over and reaching out for him. Seonghwa flinched back, still jittery from what happened earlier as his eyes watered and Mingi's eyes widened. Seonghwa hadn't flinched since the first week after he had become more comfortable. Seonghwa felt safe around them, they didn't ever hurt them. Unless they did? Unless one of them did. Seonghwa had rushed past everyone, going down to storage to talk to Hongjoong. Did Hongjoong do something. But he just gave him that tattoo, he just claimed to care. Did he do that to lull Seonghwa into a false sense of security. But it's Hongjoong, he isn't a bad person. Is he? Mingi frowned and his eyes narrowed.

"Did Hongjoong do something? Did he hurt you," Mingi asked quickly.

"Wh-What," Seonghwa asked in shock. Where the hell did that come from? Mingi gasped and his stomach dropped. Seonghwa's words were practically a confirmation. Why would Hongjoong do that?

"I'm gonna kill him," Mingi growled as he spun around. Seonghwa yelped and lunged forwards, grabbing Mingi's arm quickly to stop him. He doesn't know where Mingi got the idea that Hongjoong hurt him when he knows him so well. Hongjoong isn't the one in the wrong, he is.

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