chapter 3

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Your pov

Me and jack were now running away from the kings navy we then hid in what seemed to be a black smith

"Let's get these filthy chains off"

Said jack i nodded agreeing with him we then walked over to a table that had a lot of things on it jack then took off his hat and placed it on the table we then heard something fall me and jack turned to the noise and saw a man clearly sleepling jack walked over to the man to cheek if he's actually asleep

Jack tapped the mans chest and the man still was asleep jack turned away and i shook my head then i heard jack scream scaring me


He looked at me


He asked harshly

"Be quiet or do you want us to be found by the kings navy"

He shook his head no

"Okay now let's get these damn chains off"

Jack then put his chains on a anvil and started to hammer it making me sigh i then looked around for something for more sharp i then suddenly heard a donkey screech i looked over and saw that jack stabbed the poor donkey with a hot iron  thingy he then put the chains threw the thing and it choped it off i then did the same and it chopped off the chains well separted then mostly

We then saw the door opening i quickly hid somewhere and saw jack do the same i then saw two men enter the black smith my eyes light up as i saw the most beautiful man i have ever seen he had hair that reached his shoulder and it was wrapped in a ponytail and he had a beard almost like jacks but a bit smaller

I then saw him calm the poor donkey he softly caressed the donkeys head i then saw the other one he had long hair and it was also wrapped in a ponytail he didn't have any beard tho and he was two inches taller then the other one I then saw the most beautiful man take off his jacket

"Right where we left you"

He said then walked away and stopped when he saw the hammer laying on the anvil i hissed

'Damn jack'

"Not where we left you"

Said the one with no beard he then saw jack's hat and he hit the beautoful man's shoulder he looked at the man then at the hat he tried to take it but a sword stopped it and it was jack my eyes widened

'What the hell is he doing!'

I then groaned and got out of my hiding spot and got out my sword the two men looked at the noise and saw me the most beautiful oen saw me and i could see his eyes widen

Will's pov

My eyes widened as i saw the most angelic beauty i have ever seen she looked like a goddess and how she held the sword with such grace and beauty

"Hey eyes up here mate"

Said the male infront of me and my brother who pointed his sword at our throats i then saw the beautiful goddess stand next to him

Pirate of the Caribbean x jack sparrow's sister!readerWhere stories live. Discover now