It was not long before I traveled back to the colonists, who had managed to survive and was starting to make this new world their home. Conflict with the natives continued. I tried to stop what I could, but I believed it was time to move on before Tarik realized I had made many friends. I said my goodbyes and left shortly after. I heard word that more had come and settled elsewhere, so I joined their colony: Plymouth. They were trying to find freedom in religion and they were trying to make a real home here. They wanted peace with the natives, and only wished to protect their families, who had made the journey with them. 

She was there when I arrived; the daughter of one of the men. She was only thirteen, with three younger siblings and both of her parents. Her mother died of disease and the responsibility of helping her father raise her siblings fell to her. I helped her when I could, though I wished to keep my distance. We grew close as she grew, although she saw me as an older brother. I had long ago lost the ability to feel emotional pain when it came to whether I was close to her or not. I had accepted that we would never truly be together and only wanted her happiness and for her to live a long life; the life she deserved. 

The pilgrims befriended the natives there, and the natives showed them how to survive. Though she did not love me in the same manner I loved her, I was happy watching her laugh and grow and experience a life full of peace for once. Despite that she and I would not be together, and despite that I knew eventually Tarik would intervene, it was the most enjoyable and peaceful time I had experienced in many decades. Like all happiness and good things though, it came to an end. In 1625, four years after I had arrived at Plymouth and nearly two decades after traveling to the new world, Tarik reversed her time once again. Soon after some of the pilgrims realized I was not aging, and rumors began to spread. I left again and returned to Jamestown. 

Conflict with the natives had grown worse than it ever had been. While Plymouth was befriending them, Jamestown was fighting them.  Once again, I tried to maintain peace, but to no avail. The settlers made a peace treaty with the natives, one that banished them from the colony forever. My old friend had now aged and was a wise, much older man. We said our final goodbyes just before he and his people left the land that had been their home for generations. 

Eventually the colonies grew until the starting of a new nation began. I moved from one to another about every ten to fifteen years with a new name and a new fake backstory. I stayed to myself and found work where and when I could. Tarik continued to follow me, and though I searched for him, desperate to find him and kill him, he always managed to elude me. Soon war broke out between England and France, and it was brought to the colonies. I had been staying with a native tribe at the time. Though being with natives again, despite that they were a different people than the ones I had befriended, their similar way of life brought be some peace. Eventually, a few other warriors and I joined the British and Colonists as scouts in the war. 

I met her again at a British fort. Her father was the General there, and she had been trapped inside it with the rest of us as a battle broke out. Eventually, she was betrothed to another British officer, but he was soon killed by a native scout working for the French. He had been scalped. Her father decided to send her back to England. 

It was the night before she was going to leave. 

"Thomas," she called.

I turned to see her walking toward me. She was beautiful dressed in a thin cotton dress; her blond hair was twisted back, and her blue eyes were bright. "Are you alright, Miss Sarah?" 

Smiling, she nodded. "You needn't be so polite, Thomas." She waved a hand in dismissal. Her words surprised me considering we had only spoken a few times, and nothing had passed between us in the few months we had known each other this time. 

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