Screech x Obama the presentation

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One day Obama was saying a speech in like a presentation place idk and he finished it and everyone clapped including screech... but screech was clapping a different way... He was using his cheeks to clap. screech talked to obama after the show and said: 'obamuwu you look so hot can i have some obamaussy??? uwuwuwuuwuuwuwuwuwu' and obama moaned and said 'yes bbg lets do it yo hot' and then he went to bed with screech and screech entered the obamaussy and screech was shocked and screech drooled ink in a hot sexy way and then obama sucked on screech tentacle and then the FBI came into the room and looked at obama and shot him and then put screech in some containment facility to be researched and then tortured and killed

the end uwu

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