The Pretender Headcancons:]

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(in the photo, the Pretender is the one with white hair and green dress.)

-Bratty as fuck

-Closeted lesbian

-Has heterochromia

-bi-gender, Goes by She/Her/He/Him, but prefers She/Her.

-Daughter of the hanging man and the teacher

-Has severe anger issues.

-Wants a friend that isn't an adult or a doll made of skin.

-Pretty fucked up after the hanging man's death, and the teacher never being around.

-has little to no concept of morals, so can relate to six in some way.

-the only friend they have that isn't dead is six.

-Likes song like "Cradles" By Sub Urban,"Candle Queen" By GHOST, "Evelyn Evelyn" by Evelyn Evelyn, "Ladylike" by Kira, "Corpse dance" by Kikuo.

-doesn't understand the concept of sharing.

-Likes music she can clap her hands to.

-Has a little crush on six and rcg/Zero.

-Favourite songs would be "Rotary dial" (by GHOST), "Hayloft two" (by mother mother), "Ivanushka" (by Lemon Demon), "Everybody Likes You" by Lemond Demon ( I think??? Correct me if I'm wrong), "I hate my mom" By GRLwood.

-Likes books and movies about wonderlands.

-Really likes big poofy dresses.

-Favourite colour is green.

Word count: 197

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2022 ⏰

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