First day of Sophomore year!!

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       Today was Miya's first day back at high school

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       Today was Miya's first day back at high school. This time he is a sophomore and has a new look/fashion style. Miya is by far one of the laziest people on earth therefore he isn't that great when it comes to academics and sports or that's what some people think/assume, this small lazy boy is actually good at both if anything he is the youngest in his grade due to completing grade school early. Many are still shocked by that fact but choose to not really question it knowing he really wouldn't give them an answer. Many adored Miya due to his lazy cat like persona although some were jealous or even envious of him. Right now, our lazy cat-like boy is walking to Norman high, on his way there he greets many people ranging from store clerks to random people walking their dog or just daily customers at his mom's bakery. 

     Soon Miya makes a brief stop in front of Norman high, he lazily looks up and blinks. Standing in front of the school for some time his friend Mammon stops right next to him "what are you looking at?" the taller boy asks, advertising his gaze to where Miya is looking at. Miya turned his head to face Mammon and blinked "is it necessary to go to class?" he asked in a hushed tone, Mammon looked at Miya like he was crazy "of course it is you short fry." Miya rolled his eyes and grabbed his friend Mammon hand and started walking into the school.

      Miya and Mammon have been friends since grade school, both just happen to be academically smart which allowed them to go through the high school experience together. Although Mammon is a year older, he started school late. This duo is inseparable if one gets in trouble the other follows shortly after, some go as far as calling them an iconic duo due to the fact that Mammon is bold and pretty energetic/social while Miya is lazy and quiet and usually keeps to himself. Others say they are the total opposite of each other, a handful of students say that their friendship wouldn't last the whole school year due to their opposite personality traits and living situations. Mammon comes from a pretty wealthy family while Miya comes from a struggling family which leads to his mom overworking herself at their family-owned bakery. Although their family situations are very different, they really don't let that fact impact their friendship.

     Miya stopped in front of his locker still hand in hand with Mammon, the short boy opened his locker with his left hand. While his right hand was holding a steady grip on Mammon's left hand. Mammon looked down at Miya squinting his eyes like he was examining something "can I help you?" Miya asked while looking up at Mammon, the taller teen looked the other in the eye and asked, "have you been up playing video games last night?" Miya averted his gaze from Mammon and puffed out his cheeks "no I was looking at cute cat pics and watching funny cat videos" Miya stated grabbing a couple of cat stickers that he placed in his locker over the summer.

 This is short but hopefully I can upload another chapter that is longer (556 Words)

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