Part 2- The Gym

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Y/n's POV

I slowly wake up in the morning, still tired from the late night doordashing, and stretch while sitting up in bed. I think back to last night, remembering the cute guy named Max. "Huh.. wonder if I'll see him again anytime soon.." I say out loud, not really caring that I'm talking to literally no one. I get up for the day and get myself ready to go to the gym. I'm not a gym rat or anything, but I like to go at least twice a week just to stay healthy. I put on a tank top and some shorts, throw on my running shoes, and head out to drive to the closest gym.
I back into the parking lot and head inside to do some basic workouts, and a bit of weightlifting. While on the treadmill, I'm looking around the gym out of boredome, and notice a familiar face. I see the cute guy from last night working out with what looked like a couple friends. I notice that they're all taller than him, one of them having curly black hair, one wearing glasses, and the other having what looked like some really fluffy hair. I almost forget to keep running from the shock of seeing him again. Would it be weird to ask for his number? I'd feel really awkward doing that in front of his friends, they might tease him for it and I didn't really feel like being the reason someone was getting teased. I kind of just moved on, occasionally glancing at the cute guy while working out. God I'm awkward aren't I?

Pezzy's POV

I had finally agreed to join Grizzy, Puffer, and Droid at the gym, and was actually really enjoying it. I just might make this a routine of mine, maybe 2 or 3 times a week, heading over here and doing some basic workout. We were having fun, goofing around a bit, and at one point I went to go fill up my water bottle, and actually took in my surroundings. I saw a lot of what looked like bodybuilders, and a couple teens. As I continued to look around, I notice a strangley familiar face. I think to myself "Where do I know him from..?" and then it hits me. The doordasher from last night! I didn't realize he came to the gym. I observed as he was lifting weights, and how he actually had a decent amount of muscle I didn't see at first. I realized I was staring and looked back at my bottle to see that it was about to overflow. I pull it away and drink the water as I contemplated going up to the guy and asking for his name, possibly even his number. I think about it, and come to the conclusion that nothing awful can come from asking, so I walk over to where he's lifting weights.

Y/n's POV (yes, again)

After setting down the weights I was lifting, I decided it would be smart to take a small water break. As I'm drinking my water, I almost choke because I see Max walking in my direction. I swallow the water in time for him to walk up to me. "Funny seeing you here," he grins, and I can't help but smile back. "Yeah, funny coincidence, huh?" I reply, wondering how long ago he realized I was here, and hoping he was just as awkward as I was. "I was wondering if I could get your name, and possibly your number? You seem pretty cool, so I'd hate to waste a chance at a new cool person in my life," he says to me, and I kind of froze up for a moment, but I quickly realized I had to reply. "Oh, uhm, my name is y/n, and yeah, let me find my marker. Do you have paper on you?" I reply, instantly feeling dumb for asking. Why would he have paper at the gym? Am I that dumb? "Ah shit, I didn't really think of that.. I don't have paper, you could write it on my arm though?" he replies, and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. I think we're good, he doesn't see me as a dumbass yet..hopefully. I write my number on his arm, trying not to make it massive incase other people see his arms, and then I let go of him and wave. He smiles, says thanks, and goes back to his friends. God his smile is adorable..

Pezzy's POV

I walk back to my friends to see them grabbing their stuff. "Hey Pezzy, where'd you go?" Grizzy asks me as he throws on a hoodie. "To fill up my water bottle, duh." I reply, not really wanting to admit I was getting a guy's number, considering I hadn't come out to them yet. Me and Droid head back home, and I can't wait to text the cute guy. Y/n, huh. God he's attractive, I barely know him and I'm already simping hard.

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