Chapter One

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"Vallie!Time to wake up!" Vallie's mom yelled from downstairs.
"Ok!" She screamed back. Vallie got up, and walked downstairs to grab her coffee and poptarts. She walked back upstairs and sat on her bed. She turned on the T.V., Drake and Josh was on. One of her favorite childhood shows. "Why did they ever stop making this show?!?!?" She asked no one. Vallies phone began ringing. She knew who it was - Daphne, her best friend.
"Hey, Daph, wassup?" She asked.
"Nothing much, what are you wearing today?"
"I dont know, probably just a pair of leggings and a shirt." Vallie said in a 'duh' tone.
"Alright, I'll wear some too." Daph said.
"See you soon, Daph."
"You too, boo. OMG! I just rhymed, I should be a rapper!!" The girls laughed and hung up. They got ready for school and met eachother out front. They are next door neighbors.
"Hey, lets go before we're late." They walked to school.
"So, you exited for tomorrow?" Daph asked.
"No, not really. I stopped getting exited a long time ago."
"Its your 17th birthday, Val, you have to be exited!!"
"No, not really, just another year that I've wasted. " Val says.
"Bull crap,we will finish this later. See you after school." They departed.
As usual, they finish their homework in class, and Val is picked up early. She has a doctor's appointment.
"Vallie, so nice to see you!" Dr.Nebber says.
"You too," she flashes a bright smile. They get on with the appointment.
"Thats strange," Nebber says.
"Has anything odd been happening lately? "
"Not really, well, sometimes my arm twitches, and it lasts for a couple minutes."
She wrote something down.
"Well, Vallie, you can go home now." The doctor said nervously.
"Whats wrong?" Vallie was confused. And scared.
"We'll have to reschedule. " With that Vallie left and went home. She didnt tell her mom anything unusual happened. She went straight to bed.
Daphne walked into Vals room, along with her mom.
"Happy Birthday, Vallie!!" They screamed, waking her up.
"Thanks , but its no big deal." She tried to play it off.
"Yes it is, you're 17 now!"
"You dont have to go to school today. " her mom said.
"Yes!!" Val screamed.
"Well I got to get going, dont open my present til I get back Val. Promise?"
"Promise, now get out of my room!!" Daphne left, the slightest hint of hurt on her face.
"Get ready, we have somewhere to go."
"Ugh, where?" Her mom gave her a look. "Fine."
Outfit above
Got in the car, and soon arrived at the hospital.
"Mom, why are we here?" Val asked, terrified.
"You have a follow up from yesterday's appointment. " she said." Your doctor called me this morning and said you had to come here today." Val finally agreed and they walked in. The front desk clerk saud she was due for a cat scan. 'Why?'she thought.
They went in for the cat scan. Val was horrified. What was wrong with her? She got out, her mom was crying.
"Val, why didnt you tell me your arm was having seizures?" She asked through tears.
"I thought they were just twitches!" Val yelled. She goes to look at the results. She points to a part of her brain, its a big dark patch,"what's that?"
"Val, its a brain tumor." Vals mom said. Vallie broke down crying. Why is this happening to her? And on her birthday, too?

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