"God Er, I swear I'm so sorry for taking that long. Leila packed way too much for the next days and her second suitcase took way longer than the other to arrive", Martha immediately explains as soon she opens the passenger seats door.

"Are you saying we are so late because of me, darling?", Leila exclaims as soon as she gets into the backseat, one suitcase beside her while the other one was being placed in her lap.

Time to get to the stadium.

"Whatever you say", Martha chuckles when she rolls her eyes playfully, now turning to Erin as the both of them embrace in a tight hug.

"It's so great to see you, Er", the black haired therapist smiles, quickly hugging her former colleague before letting go of her, aware that they needed to make it to the stadium as fast as possible.

Because they were already running late.

"Hi there, coach. Thank you for picking us up", Leila chuckles from the backseat, still happy that things with the national team had been going that way and that her and Erin were able to see each other more often now.

Turns out they got along really well.

While the girls were on their way to the stadium to surprise Alexia, the midfielder was making her way into the locker room, headphones in as she was listening to some of her favorite music as she walks down the hallway of Camp Nou.

It was until she reaches the locker room, that she jumps as soon as all of her teammates come into sight, already waiting for their captain with huge grins on their faces.

"Alexia!", some of them shout, all of them quickly gathering around the brown haired woman, while Alexia takes out her headphones, a blush appearing on her happy face.

"Hola", she chuckles.

For the last few days, she wasn't able to stop grinning. She wasn't able to hide the happiness she felt with the realization that all those last months of suffering and to keeping her feet still were finally coming to and end.


"I'm really happy to be back here", Alexia mumbles happily, embracing all of her companeras, before she makes her way towards her place, her favorite soccer boots, as well as her jersey already waiting for her.

At the sight, Alexia couldn't help but get emotional right again.

Even though she wasn't in the starting line up and wouldn't wear her captains band in the beginning, she felt like this was the happiest moment in her life.

The second she sits down and puts on her shoes, she needed to actually control herself so she wouldn't behave like a little child.

"I'm so happy for you, Ale. And that you made it back in the squad after only 10 months is amazing", Mapi speaks form the space next to Alexia, sitting down herself, as the defender starts to put her shoes on as well.

"Gracias, Mapi. There is nothing more that I wanted... for the last months I felt like I was riding a rollercoaster. I'm glad that my day has finally come", Alexia smiles, before standing up, her and the other teammates making their way outside towards the pitch for warm up.

"You'll do great, Ale. Everyone will be waiting for you to get subbed in", Mapi assures, nudging her friends shoulder before the both of them, as well as all the others, get outside.

Alexia stays behind for a second, making the defender wait for her at the door with a questioning expression on her face.

"What's wrong?", Mapi asks, leaning against the door frame with her arms crossed over her chest, head tilted to the side.

Therapy Session - Alexia PutellasDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora