Aidynn pauses the video, looking at Kol. "Loophole...? Finn?"

"I assume so, love." He sighs in irritation at the name as she unfreezes it.

"And Aidynn that's where you come into play. I need a powerful witch that's off the Ancestors radar." Vincent slices his hand, explaining. "I want you to find a threat between me and Finn."

The hybrid turns her head, the Original's nose brushing her. "We have to go."

"Agreed." Aidynn scoops Saint into her arms, allowing Kol to sweep them away to the compound. As soon as they stop, Saint giggles while her dad rushes to find his brothers and her mother places her in a pack-and-play in front of a TV with cartoons and toys and blankets with her. Saint enthralls herself in her cars and dolls while Aidynn sits the study, Elijah and Finn listening to the video while Kol stands.

"Just how am I the loophole?" Finn huffs.

Kol notifies: "Last year when Esther first brought us back, I got put into the body of a gormless twit but you got housed in one of the most powerful witches in the city. Vincent's."

Aidynn coughs into her palm; "Favoritism."

"And even after all this time there's still an echo of a body-soul connection between you two." The youngest brother informs, holding in a snicker from his soulmate who's twisting the vial of blood while Elijah plays the rest of the video.

The suited brother's brown eyes look to the brown-eyed hybrid star-fished on the sofa, querying; "Have you ever done anything like this?"

Aidynn shrugs. "I don't even know the spell, let alone how to do it. But I have Vincent's blood, if I can take Finn's blood, I'm sure I could figure it out and track 'em."

"I should've sense something was wrong when Freya didn't call." Finn scolds himself. "Now, Lucien has a head start." The eldest brother snaps his fingers at her, the youngest tensing with narrowed eyes. "Go, half-breed. Tend to your spells. I won't rest until she's found."

Kol scoffs; "Behold the selfless martyr. First he wants to chase Aidynn off in Mystic Falls, then he wants to rip her head off for trapping him in his body, now he can't wait to be spelled."

Finn steps toward Kol and Elijah calls, rising from his seat behind the desk; "Finn. You and I should go together. Kol, you should stay here with Aidynn and Saint-"

"You're going with him?!" The Mikaelson rages. "So the two people responsible for not destroying the White Oak when they had the chance, thus putting us in this bloody mess, are now off to try and fix it! That's just marvelous. I mean, what could possibly go wrong!"

Sensing the fight about to break out, Aidynn jumps up and grabs his wrist, jerking him toward her so they look into each other's eyes. "Hey, Kol. I don't know the spell, I need your help. Come on."

He sighs as she tugs him behind her, pulling them into their room where Saint is engrossed in Scooby-Doo that's playing as she cuddles her silk purple blanket and fox. Aidynn pulls out her world map and tools as Elijah brings the cup to the room, leaving with a silent pat on his niece's head. Aidynn dips the spindle on the bowl of blood, wrapping the string around her hand as she spins it; the spindle keeps going the same way for a long time.

"Keep going North east, it's connection is strong there."

Pacing the floor, Kol splutters: "W-Northeast? They've been driving Northeast for an hour, Angel. We need to get a tad more specific before they hit the Atlantic Ocean."

"The Soul-Blood connection isn't as strong as a locator spell, which they're cloaked from." She huffs. "The closest I'm getting is Virginia. Northern Virginia."

ANAGAPESIS | KOL MIKAELSON Where stories live. Discover now