chapter 10

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Dear jess,
I'm becoming more insane by the second. It was "one time I thought I heard the furniture talk to me." But now I have full on conversations with it daily. I can't even leave the house to visit your grave anymore. Every time I see someone walking past me, all I see is your face on theirs.
I can't live like this. There is no one to help me with my suicidal thoughts. I have nothing but the voices in my head. And they don't do much for me but say "just do it already. You have nothing."
Jess, you were all I had. As soon as I heard the news about you dieing, I knew it would end with me killing myself. So why not just do it now while I'm still somewhat sane.
I know this is not what you would have wanted, but I just can't take it anymore. Even if I didn't kill myself now, I would end up doing it when I'm absolutely insane.
I love you jess. And im Sorry it had to come to this. Goodbye.
Harry's P.O.V
As soon as I finish writing my letter to jess, and put it in the plain white envelope. I walk over to my dresser that holds my pistol. I've always had it incase of an intruder. Jess never liked the idea of having a gun in the house, I guess if I would have listened to her about getting rid of it, I wouldn't have a way of killing myself right now.
I grab ahold of the cold handle and it makes me flinch a little from the suddenness of it. I admire it's beauty, and would love to thank it for bringing me to my death, my escape from this hell. "Do it. Don't hesitate you have nothing." The voices say. As I slowly bring the gun up to my head,  the voices become louder and more demanding. "DO IT !! NOW !" They scream.
I was so distracted by the voices that I didn't even realize the tears streaming down my face.  "Don't be a baby and do it already." They say. 
I can't do this. I put the gun back on safety and set it in the drawer.  As im about to walk out I hear glass breaking and scattering everywhere.  What the hell was that? It's probably just my being insane again.  When I walk out the door I find a man wearing all black, pointing a gun at me. Wait. That must be my mind playing tricks again. I let it slide and sit on the couch not paying attention to the man with the gun.
"Dude, what's wrong with you? Do you want me to kill you or something?" He says while slowly walking towards me, still pointing the gun straight at me. "I'm not going to let my insanity get the best of me. I know I'm just imagining you're here." I say calmly.
He pulls something out of his pocket and speaks into it "Yeah, this dudes crazy, I'm gonna need backup." "HEY!" I jump off the couch in anger at what he just said about me. "Don't talk about me like I'm not here!" I am now standing a foot away from the man. "Back away or I'm going to have to pull the trigger." He says in an annoyed tone. Why's he annoyed I'm the one that's most likely going to die right now. I walk back to the couch not taking my eyes off of him.
We stay staring at each other for about 5 minutes quietly.  When there is a knock on the door the man walks over to it not pointing the gun away from me.  When he opens it there is another 3 men dressed similarly to the one that's been in my living room for a while. 
"Can you guys just rob me and leave already? This is getting kind of tiring." I sigh. "Oh, we aren't going to rob you." One of the new guys speaks. And another opens his to say something else.  "Yeah, we are killers. Well, kind of. We find people who are in pain, and put them out of their misery.  So I guess we are just helping people." He says. "What makes you think I'm in pain?" I ask. "Well, your girlfriend died and you never leave the house."
"Well, I was about to kill myself right before you got here, so I guess it's better if someone else does it right?" I say finally getting up from the couch. "So shoot me. Kill me. I have nothing left anyway." I hope that aren't looking for a big speach because I suck at those.  "Okay." He says.
He pulls his gun up and points it at me like before.  When he pulls the back my heart starts to beat fast. Why does this keep happening. I want to die. Don't i? Yeah, I do. 
I close my eyes ready for my death.  This is it. This is how it ends.
"Harry. Harry get up we are going to be late. " I hear jess yell to me. I must be hallucinating again.  I open my eyes to see what was taking so long for him to pull the trigger.  But when I open my eyes I am laying in my bed with jess rushing around getting ready for the day. "Jess?" I ask sitting up. "What's up? " She says. "Yo-youre dead." I stutter.  "What? No, you must have had a weird dream or something. " She giggles. Oh how I've missed that giggle. 
Wait. So all of that pain. That misery.  It was all a dream? "Babe, come on your mom's going to kill us if we're late for the wedding." She tells me still running around in her beautiful dress, and beautiful hair, and beautiful face, and beautiful everything. I can't believe this. I'm not crazy. Jess is not dead.
It was all a dream.

So it was all a dream. Harry didn't die. Yay. Lol. Sorry if this ending is disapointing.
So please read my other story. It's a Michael one, and I only have the prologue up rn.
Please comment and favorite xx

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