Chapter 2

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Marcy's POV

Anne Boonchuy.

I haven't seen her in ages.

I mean the last time I saw her I was a completely different person.

I missed her. I just wanted to say hello to her or how's your day going but I don't know if she would want to hear that from me since we aren't so close anymore.

I took a quick glance at her. She was always so pretty, even in middle school. I shortly noticed she made eye contact with me so we both turned around and look away.

It was definitely awkward and I could feel the tension. Suddenly, the teacher started talking about a group project and he all gave partner assignments.


And of course, my partner had to be Anne. I turned to my left to face her and get this lame project done as fast as possible.

"So, I guess we're partners."


"At least this gives me and excuse to talk to you without starting an awkward conversation"

"This is an awkward conversation, Marcy."

"Oh. Heh- Yeah. Well let's just start this project already shall we?"

"Yeah. Whatever."

That was probably the worst conversation I've ever had, not to mention the shortest. I could tell Anne was upset.

She had the right.

I- I left her. I didn't see her at lunch everyday anymore, I stopped meeting her at the lockers every morning.

I had no choice. I had to be popular and have a good reputation for the Wu family So, I started hanging out with Sasha and her friends and here I am now.

My family never liked how I was quiet and shy when I was younger. They always wanted me to get the Wu family name out there and I never did.

Do I like the new me..?
Am I a good person..?

Anne's POV

I didn't mean to be so mean to Marcy. I was mainly mad because the teacher gave us a damn project to do on the first day of school.

I was genuinely shocked when she was the one to start the conversation. I thought she was gonna be to busy texting Sasha or doing "popular- people" things in her phone.

Marcy shortly put her phone down and asked,"What part are we doing first?"

"I'll study chapter 1 and write about it, you can do chapter 2?"

"Sounds good to me."

And with that we both started reading the text book, when suddenly the bell rang and it was the end of the period.

Good thing the project is due next week, because we barley got anything done.

I noticed Sasha was already waiting for Marcy outside the door. She wrapped her arm around Marcy and started walking her to her next class.

The minute I walked out the room, everyone was staring at Marcy and Sasha. Typical. Those two were the hot topic of the school.

For some reason I always got a weird feeling in my stomach whenever Marcy was with Sasha. It didn't ever feel right seeing her with Sasha. I don't even know I just always get tense whenever there together.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2022 ⏰

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