What i am ? God or Demon ? 4/5

Start from the beginning

AKIHIKO is thrown and hit by the walls, it seems that that being teleported behind him and hit him as hard as he could, but it is not enough to kill AKIHIKO, after all he is a god.

Chiyo - What? But I touched your vital areas! How are you still standing? Are you immortal?

AKIHIKO - Immortal? It's not enough to describe me...

Chiyo - What?

At that moment AKIHIKO's golden eyes turned red, his glorious wings retreated and were covered by a black presence with purple tints.

AKIHIKO realized that with the powers of a god it is not enough, so he calls for destruction.

Chiyo - Aren't you an angel? are you a demon How is this possible? It's impossible!

AKIHIKO got behind her and paralyzed (When an enemy is intimidated by the presence of the demon lord it paralyzes)

AKIHIKO - So, what exactly are you? How did you allow yourself to attack me considering that I did not provoke anyone?

Chiyo - Me... Just .... (she was overcome with fear and could not express herself)

AKIHIKO - Was it that easy to intimidate you? A few moments ago you were attacking me from all sides and now you are stiff.

Chiyo - I...


Chiyo - I will seal you!

AKIHIKO - What? At that moment from his back where he was hit by a last sign, hands started to come out of the signs and neutralize AKIHIKO.

Chiyo fell to her knees coming out of the paralysis caused by AKIHIKO. Chiyo - Once I have marked you, you have no escape from my seal, I will neutralize and decapitate you... and then I will take your head to my master, AKIHIKO, realizing what was going to happen, decided to clone himself, so that his original body would hide for a while and the clone would be the decapitated one.

That's exactly what happened, the clone was immobilized and decapitated and that woman left with the clone's head, AKIHIKO started following her from the shadows masking her presence.

The Void - Chiyo did you complete your task?

Chiyo - Yes sir! This is the head of the specimen that entered our territory.

VOID - Hmm? A humanoid? But how is it possible? I thought I swallowed the whole world and every being....

Chiyo tell us what kind of humanoid was this, did it have abilities specific to our world? Chiyo - I am ashamed to confess to you, mistress, that copy almost killed me...

The Void - What? To kill my own daughter? You are the most powerful predator after me. What possessions did that being have?

Chiyo - More precisely in the initial phase when that specimen went on the defensive, it showed a pair of white wings, of an amazing sparkle and it had a look... its eyes were golden and beautiful. It gave me the feeling that I couldn't penetrate his defensive position...

The Void - Hmm, so those damn gods thought that if they also sent a bitter angel he would be able to defeat me to free this world from my sub control. Chiyo - Gods? Have they intervened before?

The Void - That doesn't matter, that was long before you were born... Chiyo - Yes sir, but that's not all.

The Void - What? Chiyo explains what happened and that she was close to death but she was lucky that she used a seal otherwise she would have been the one decapitated.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2022 ⏰

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In search of the goddess who made me immortal/Demon Lord from the Ice AgeWhere stories live. Discover now