Lincoln, calm down, I tell myself. Don't let him get to you.

I refuse to answer, my knuckles white from holding onto my chair as he leans forward and rests his elbows on the table, something my mother would kill him for. "How much of a slut is she, Lincoln? Can I have a turn?"

I slam my hands on the table then, losing any ounce of self-control I once had. On my feet now, I lean over the table to peer above him, and despite his arrogant, cocky attitude, he knows I have the potential to destroy him. I'm jacked, and he hasn't hit the gym once in his life. "Shut your fucking mouth," I sneer. "Whatever beef you and I have, leave her out of it. She's done nothing to you, and she doesn't deserve to be talked about with so much disrespect."

I'm panting heavily as I continue to stare at him, growing even more upset when that look of fear he had seconds ago vanishes and is replaced with that same smugness. "Looks like I've found your new weakness," he says and stands to his feet as well, adjusting his suit to keep it free of creases. "This should be very fun. You may have won tonight, brother, but know that I will use your weakness until this company burns to the ground and you with it. I won't stop until the right person is finally in charge, which is me. Tell mother and your conquest that I had to leave."

With that, he stalks out of the dining room, slamming the door loudly behind him. I know my mother heard it. I know she's probably upset. She's putting on a front for Sienna, acting cool, calm, and collected like always, but underneath that is a mother who is worried about her sons. A mother that would give anything to see the rift between us come to an end. It makes my heart ache.

Pushing away the thoughts, I start a search for Sienna, poking my head through the different rooms of the house I grew up in. I remember my Dad chasing Jett and me around, playing hide and seek with us until he finally gave up and begged us to come out. Jett and I always knew where to hide—in the maid's closet behind all of the coats. Dad would always open up the closet, but because of how much stuff was in there he'd just give up and continue on his search. Jett's eyes would be locked on mine, the both of us on the brink of laughter when we knew we had won again.

I sigh in frustration when I finally find them, and when I see what they're doing, heat prickles on my skin all over. Sienna is thumbing through my baby book, and my mother is explaining when each photo was taken.

"Oh, and look at this one!" She exclaims and points to a photo I can't see. "Lincoln loved bath time. Look at his little buns!"

Sienna erupts into giggles as my eyes grow wide, racing for the book to grab it out of their hands. "What the hell are you two doing?"

"Just looking through some photos of you," my mother replies. Her eyes are glistening with a feeling I can't describe. It's something I haven't seen in her in a long time, and Sienna seems to have brought it out.

"But why? Nobody wants to see those, Mom."

Sienna laughs and lifts her eyes to mine from the couch they're both sitting on. "Speak for yourself. You had the cutest little buns, Lincoln." And then she realizes she probably shouldn't have said that, but my mother just laughs along with her.

"Have the cutest buns," I correct. "They haven't gone anywhere."

Sienna wants to say something sexual, I know she does, but rather than say it, she mutters, "Well, I wouldn't know, and don't want to find out."

Sure, I mock in my head, laughing at the thought that she'll probably see my ass on the way home in the car. I want those heels to dig into it while my head is buried in her pussy. I want her screaming my name for Robert to hear. I want her to use the fuck out of me. She was right about the pent-up anger being used for her benefit because right now, I want to fuck the living shit out of her in any way that she wants. I'm at her mercy.

And that means it's time to go.

"As fun as this has been, I think it's best we get going. Jett had to leave early. He sends his apologies."

Sienna's eyes don't leave mine as she stands to her feet, shifting her weight from knowing what's about to happen on the drive back to the city.

"Alright." My mother sighs from disappointment, wrapping me in a warm embrace before turning to look at Sienna. "I loved all of your ideas for Nash Enterprises, and I'm thrilled to see them come to life. Please keep me updated on the progress, Lincoln, and Sienna, don't be a stranger. Maybe we could go shopping in the city together sometime."

She did it.

Sienna won her over, and now Jett can head on back to New Jersey to leave me and this company alone. I can handle this. With the help of Sienna, together we're going to save this company.

"I'd love that," Sienna gushes, and surprisingly, I think she means it. "I gave you my business card earlier. My number is on it."

We turn to leave, but when we're almost to the door, and when Sienna is out of hearing distance, my mother tugs me back and says, "She might be the one for you, honey, and you better not screw it up."

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