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A/N I don't want to take all the credit of this story so I just want to say that this story was mainly the real Ian's idea and I just want to say thank you to him for making this story possible so thank you to him.

After Christmas Scarlets feelings for Ian just got stronger the more she saw him. "So Scarlet where you from?" Ian says trying to start a conversation. I look into his deep brown eyes and feel my heart start to race. "I...I live maes g." In my head I was kicking myself he asked were I'm from like Wales or England or something and I said fucking maes g. I looked away and just went red from embarrassment. He laughed and looked at his phone. "Oh shit class is about to start." He said running off waving at me bye, I waved back and went to find Ella and Luke on the field.

On the way to class Luke runs off to his friends Jack and Trevor, so it's just me and Ella walking to class now. "So how are you and Ian?" Ella asks I look her dead in the eyes and say in the most unconvincing voice. "Yeah we're good." She looked at me as I turned away walking fast now because I new we weren't good I wasn't even sure if we were friends.

Skip time

It was the next day at school and Ian wasn't with his friends he was just there and as both Luke and Ella weren't in, and Scarlet didn't know where Tessa and Charlotte were, Scarlet walked right up to him. "Hey." He said with a smile. Before scarlet got a word out of her mouth she could feel her whole face go red as she saw his brown hair being pushed back by the wind and his big brown eyes shimmering in the sunlight. She caught her breath and said "hi how are you." In a subtle voice. "Good." He replies placing his bag on the floor. He turns back around to Scarlet "how are you." Not expecting Ian to ask her that question she smiled and said "I'm good thanks." Ian smiled back at her and took her hand. "Ah Ian where are we going?" Scarlet said blushing at the fact they were practically holding hands. Ian took her to the middle of the field and stopped, Scarlet looked around her there was no one everyone else was hiding in the corners of the field. Still holding hands Ian sat down dragging Scarlet down with him.

For the reminder of lunch Ian and scarlet laughed and talked about the most random stuff ever. And for Scarlet that was a big enough hint that they were friends. The bond they shared was the best they'd get along even if they didn't agree on everything, it was like they were soulmates who just hadn't realised it yet that they were meant to be. Half way through lunch Ian ran off for a minute Scarlet thought he was gone for good but within minutes he was back. "Sorry just had to go get my bag." He said sitting back down. Scarlet could hear him breathing heavily so she went through her bag and grabbed her bottle. "You sound out of breath here." Scarlet said offering Ian her bottle. "Thanks." Ian said with a smile and grabbing the bottle and drink a bit of it, before handing it back to Scarlet. "There you go." Ian said with a smile. "There's only a bit left you can finish it if you want." Scarlet offered. "No what if you need some I don't want you to die of dehydration because of me." Ian said giving scarlet the bottle. "Ok fine." Scarlet said drinking out of the bottle before putting it back in her bag.

Skip time

"I wish we had the same classes." Scarlet said packing as class was about to start. "Me too." Ian said going to stand up and offering to help scarlet up. "Thanks." Scarlet said before falling right into Ian. "Wow you okay." "Yeah I'm fine thanks for catching me." "No problem." Ian said grabbing Scarlets bag for her. "It's fine I could have got that." "Well I did so here you go." "Thank you." "I feel like that's the only thing you've said to me the whole time we've been packing up." Ian said with a chuckle. "Well I'm not going to be rude and not say thank you." "Fair enough." Ian and scarlet went quiet for a minute and just looked at each other, mesmerised by his eyes scarlet didn't even hear Ian's friends shout. "IAN HEY OVER HERE!" They shouted again. Ian heard the second time and looked over to see his friends. "Shit class I've got to go see you tomorrow Scarlet." "See you tomorrow." Scarlet said smiling she was actually friends with Ian.

Scarlet was walking to class when someone scared her. "Jesus Christ you scared the shit out of me." "Haha I know." Tessa said. "You should have seen the look on your face Scarlet." Charlotte added. "I'm sure it was priceless, anyway I was looking for you earlier where were you two." Scarlet asked confused. "Oh well we were looking for you and saw you with Ian so we let you be and went to find Trevor and Stanley." Charlotte explained. "I swear I saw you to holding hands." Tessa said nudging Scarlet. "Look we were holding hands only because he was taking me to the middle of the field and forgot we were and then realised so we let go, end of story." "Alright keep your tights on." Tessa said not believing it was actually end of story.

The end of the day came around like a breeze. "Scarlet look it's Ian." Tessa said pointing him out. "So we're just friends it's not like I'm gonna go up to him and hug him or some bull shit like that." Scarlet was getting angry, she didn't like the fact Tessa was obviously making it very clear that Scarlet liked Ian, as much as Scarlet liked him she didn't want him finding out this way. "Sorry." "Tess it's fine." Tessa and Scarlet started looking for Charlotte but couldn't find her that's when Scarlet walked right into Ian. "Oh my fucking god I'm so sorry." Scarlet panicked not wanting to get hurt by the boy. "Scarlet it's fine it didn't even hurt." "Oh Ian it's you." Scarlet said starting to go red, Tessa was still looking for Charlotte when she looked up and saw Scarlet hot red talking to Ian, she laughed and went up to them before Scarlet ended up embarrassing herself. "So see you tomorrow then?" Ian asked. "See you tomorrow." Scarlet replied, not expecting it Ian hugged her and then walked off.

Scarlet turned around and saw Tessa with a big smile on her face. "So I'm taking it you like Ian then." "I don't like him." Scarlet said still bright red. "Alright I totally believe you." Tessa said rolling her eyes and then dragging Scarlet to the bus.

A/N again a big thank you to the real Ian who helped me make this story possible xxx

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2022 ⏰

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