The Princess Saves Herself

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Meriwa stared at the young male shifter with horrible teeth who was scowling and inexpertly wrapping her hand with gauze and bandages. He was younger than the goon who had helped the vampire lady film her, but old enough that he knew better than to be an evil prick.


"No way. No fucking way."

Meri sighed, fighting back Tiamat's indignation and doing her best to sound for all the world like the defenseless pregnant woman she hoped he thought her to be.

"I... I..." Her voice broke and real tears streamed down her face, leaving cold trails in the coagulating blood on her face. "I... if I'm going to die, I don't want to die having pissed myself. I... the babies make me have to pee and—"

The guy snarled before pulling back and looking at her hand that could barely be called 'bandaged.' He cast a curious glance toward the door before looking back at her and glaring. She sniffed, lifting her non-injured hand from where she'd been absently stroking her belly to her nose, where she used it to swipe at the tears and snot.

He sighed before producing a key and turning his attention to her shackled leg and proceeding to unlock the metal. "If you try anything, you're dead. Piss then back."

She nodded vigorously, wincing when she saw her ankle rubbed raw from the scraping metal against her swollen skin. The guy stood and nodded, and Meri moved to stand but genuinely had difficulty getting up.

When the guy snarled and urged her on quicker, she spoke quietly and with burning cheeks. "Just... it's hard."

Eventually, she stood by rolling onto her knees and using her good hand to lift herself into a squat. Once she caught her balance, she stood, and the guy impatiently gestured to the door. He walked behind her, only moving in front of her to open the door and make sure the coast was clear before he waved her on.

Outside, she found herself in a warren of concrete tunnels that looked almost like a cave that was man made. The guy shoved her shoulder roughly, threatening to send her sprawling to the ground until she caught herself by placing her good hand on the wall next to her.

Miraculously, her knife remained hidden, and, thanks to her sore ankle, she walked forward with a slight limp until he barked at her to take a right. Once they reached a door set into the wall, he opened it to reveal a tiled bathroom that had to have been last used in the 1930s.

Grime clung to everything, but the toilet thankfully appeared to have been recently scrubbed, and there was fresh toilet paper.

Because she genuinely was about to pee on herself, she hurried inside. The guy kept the door open, but he fortunately looked away as Meri tugged down her pants and made it to the toilet not a moment too soon.

And she wasn't thankful he'd looked away because she'd be embarrassed if he saw her with her pants down. The reason she was grateful he wasn't looking at her was because she had the knife clutched in her hand.

Otherwise, the weapon would have clattered to the ground when she'd tugged at her pants.

If her situation hadn't been so dire, she would have laughed when she peed for forever. Even when the guy yelled at her to hurry, she kept going until her baby-compressed bladder was finally finished.

Her captors had only given her limited water. How could she have to pee so much? Then, as quickly as she could, she pulled her pants back up and held the knife discreetly behind her back.

Escape would be easier now that she wasn't driven mad by the need to pee.

The guy was still looking away from her and down the hallway, no doubt praying the boss wouldn't see him, and Meri drove the point of the knife into the space just below his left rib. She pressed hard enough for him to feel it, but not enough to damage him... yet.

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