Part 2 Final : Concerns of marijuana ( how they are invalid in terms of truth

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Marijuana is a very widely considered and also BANNED plant from the eyes of many. In the last chapter i explained the great things about marijuana and the effects ( written from my own experience ) and how it is 100% safe and great for a persons well being. Lets take a look into the peoples eyes that disprove of mary jane. They say that it is bad for your brain, how every toke kills off brain cells. You see the problem with that theory is that your body has the ability to produce millions of brain cells a day, every day of your life, meaning that any cells killed dissapear and the new ones take their place. Marijuana doesnt kill brain cells anyway beczuse marijuana increases mental activity by your creativy part of your brain. If it killed your brain cells it would make you less mentally active therefore a " stupid stoner " when in reality the stupid one is you. Mary J is great for many things that ive stated and they say that it destroys your lungs therefore causing breathing difficulties such as asthma and asthma attacks. Well i can speak from experience ive been smoking MJ for years and i have actually grown ou of my asthma and can actually hold my breath for longer, run longer without running out of breath, and i can actually breathe clearer than i could before. Marijuana also helps with the pain of cancer and hpw many willing cancer patients will partake in marijuana in order to relieve their pain and sadness over their situation as a way of looking at things in the positive light. All these things are facts, they are true. Scientific experiment after scientific experiment have shown and proven that marijuana is perfectly safe and how it is great for your well being. And if you still dont believe me, or the hard, scientific facts, then just ask us " stupid stoners " who actually have experience unlike you and can tell you that what im stating is true. This was meant for the people who dont approve of marijuana. You people are wrong. We " stoners " are right.

End of book. #420

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