Chapter 14 - I Just Need You (Sloane) 🔥

Start from the beginning

She knew Chris's loss routine almost as well as I did. Not that it happened too frequently, but she knew he'd be here for hours going over every single mistake before he finally came home. "No, that's okay. You get out of here. I'll hang around until he's ready."

She shrugged, gathering her things. "I'll see you next weekend for the charity event, right?"

"Yeah, we'll be there," I stood, wrapping my best friend in a hug, "Go get some sleep, I'll call you tomorrow."

After Cami walked away, I slumped back into my chair, knowing I was in for a long night. Chris was going to stay in the locker room for as long as he could and be grumpy for the rest of the night. Which was understandable given the circumstances, but that didn't mean I didn't hate it.

The seats around me slowly emptied, everyone making their way home after a long game. But not me. I waited. And waited. The same crew members I was used to seeing after a loss were sweeping the stands around me as I waited some more.

I scrolled through my phone to pass the time, almost an hour passing before the athletic trainer popped his head over the dugout, whistling for my attention. "He said to go home."

"He knows better!" I responded, rolling my eyes. In the month that Chris and I have been officially dating, I've somehow gotten to know the team and every member of the staff even better than before. 

I couldn't tell if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

"That's what I tried to tell him. But he thought maybe you'd listen this time."

I snorted, Aaron's face telling me he thought Chris was full of shit for thinking I'd actually just leave. "Come on, everyone else cleared out. It's just him."

I rose to my feet, walking towards home plate as Aaron popped the gate open for me to walk onto the field. I had a striking suspicion that Chris would immediately tell me to leave. It worked once. But never again after that. Even if he wouldn't admit it, my comfort after a game pulled him out of his head faster than just sitting by himself.

"He hurt?"

Aaron shook his head, "Only his pride."

I sighed in response. "It was a good game."

His hand clapped over my shoulder as he led me through the dugout and to the locker room, "It was."

"You hanging around?"

"Nah, gotta get on the road. Chris knows the deal."

I nodded, thanking Aaron when he pushed the locker room doors open for me, gesturing for me to walk ahead. Most of the lights were off, only a couple of dim lights illuminating the cubbies that held their gear. Chris sat on one of the tables used for physical therapy and stretching, his legs dangling over the side, chin pressed into his chest. His large hands gripped the edge of the table, his knuckles white.

"Good luck," Aaron whispered, smiling softly as he hoisted his bag over his shoulder. He nodded at Chris, though Chris wasn't looking, and walked to the exit.

I knew that Chris knew I was there, but still, he sat. I waited for the door to latch shut again before making a move toward Chris. There was a towel wrapped around his waist, his brown hair disheveled. Droplets of water dripped from the ends of his hair, down to his face. At least he showered already. That was a step in the right direction.

I stepped between his legs, using my index finger to tilt his chin, "Hey, baby," I smiled softly, his blue eyes meeting mine. Chris's stubble scratched against my palm as I cupped his chin. "It was a good game."

All he did was huff in response.

"You had a good game, Chris."

Another huff. The corners of my mouth twitched as I held back a smile.

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