Bellamy did not answer, only gave a small smile and looked down at the ground. That smile quickly faded when Audrey spoke up. "Hades doesn't have any royal status here either." Bellamy's head snapped up to see Audrey with a fake smile on her face barely masking her annoyance. He looked toward his brother who was looking at Audrey with a grimace on his face. Bellamy then looked toward the Isle kids and noticed that four of the six had gone pale at Audrey's comment.

When he looked at the remaining two, he noticed that Harry had a smirk on his face and a glint in his eye that Bellamy couldn't quite place. Druig, however, he could tell was less than pleased with Audrey's comment. His face had been wiped clean of the smug look that previously adorned his face and a dark glint rested in his eyes that he had narrowed at Audrey. His jaw was clenched tight and his body was noticeably tense. "τι μου ειπες?" Druig's voice was deep and Bellamy swore that the temperature dropped when he spoke.

Audrey let out a nervous giggle, trying to play off her fear, but her fear soon showed as she noticed Druig make his way to stand in front of her. No one was moving, and the temperature continued to drop as Druig grew closer to the royals.

Druig stopped in front of Audrey and opened his mouth to speak, however he didn't get the chance to say anything.

"Well, if it isn't my little Dru."

Druig's head snapped toward the voice so fast it was almost audible. The dark look in his eyes and the scowl on his face seemingly evaporated as soon as the godling realized who was speaking.

His face lit up, the temperature around the group going back to normal as quickly as it had dropped, and made his way toward the woman who spoke, and the two people who were behind her, smiling just as large as she was. However, (most) everyone was stunned when they heard Druig's breathy response.


The smile that Persephone had on her face only grew as her eyes softened more than anyone in Auradon had ever seen. The woman was grabbed into a hug by the boy, her son, and for a moment the world stopped for them.

Druig hadn't seen his mother in person since he was nine. Only through Iris messages that she was allowed to have with her husband. Their relationship had been strong since the first time she laid eyes on the boy when he was an infant. Hades hadn't kept him a secret.

Persephone had never gotten to experience being a mother. She had two children, Melinoë and Zagreus, though neither of the darling babies made it through the first night. The fates had cut their strings before they got to experience life.

When Hades introduced her to Druig over their weekly IM session, she had instantly taken to the child and convinced Zeus to allow her to spend half of the year in Olympus and the other half on the Isle with her husband, leaving Druig out of the equation. Something that ended up backfiring when Hades begged his brother for help healing his son.

Persephone pulled away from her son and looked up at him. Her eyes began to water and a small chuckle escaped from her lips. "You've gotten so big!" Her voice broke as she spoke, sadness coating every word.

She shook her head and wiped the tears that fell, turning to the two companions that she had with her, and spoke again. "Dru, this is your cousin Hercules, and this is his wife Megara. They have been bugging me to meet you since I told them you were coming to Auradon."

The tall blonde, Hercules, wasted no time, sweeping his little cousin into a tight hug and lifting him off the ground. His wife simply chuckled at his actions and tapped his arm, signaling him to let the boy go. As soon as Druig was out of Hercules' arms, Meg had him in hers.

Druig had never felt this much familial love in his entire life, and he had no cares in the world that there were people seeing his soft side. He finally got to meet his family. Something that he had wished for his entire life.

The crowd, bar Harry and Evie, were confused. Everyone knew that Persephone couldn't have children, and they were extremely shocked at the actions of the couple that was tormented by Hades. They assumed that there would be no kind feelings between anyone associated with the god of the underworld.

Persephone looked at the crowd, and her eyes narrowed on the disgusted look on Audrey's face as she observed the couple and their cousin converse. A dark look made its way onto her face, and she spoke, catching the attention of everyone. "Harry, Evie, I will be showing you two and Druig around campus. You won't be staying in the dorms, though. I have made arrangements for you three to stay with Hercules and Meg at their property in Auradon."

Evie's eyes lit up instantly. No matter how much she loved Mal, the girl had started to become more obsessed with pleasing her mother. This also caused Mal to forget that her three friends, or henchmen as they had recently begun calling themselves, had feelings and dreams.

Evie loved girly things. She loved doing her makeup and her hair, she loved designing clothes and jewelry, she loved sewing, and she loved doing kind things. She hated stealing, lying, and basically everything that you had to do on the Isle to survive.

Druig and Harry were the only two who supported her. They let her design their clothes and pick out their outfits for the week, they let her practice putting makeup on them when she needed a canvas, and they protected her from the world of the Isle. They stole for her when needed and fought off men who couldn't keep their eyes and hands to themselves.

But most importantly, they told her how smart and loved she was. The two had practically raised her, despite only being two years older than her. They had done all of the things that parents were supposed to do for their child, so in her mind, they were the closest thing to parents that she was ever going to get.

Evie saw that Mal's face had gained a jealous look and decided to speak before the older girl said anything. "I would love nothing more than to stay with my older brothers! Thank you so much Lady Persephone!"

The goddess simply nodded with a small smile and began walking, beckoning the three teens to follow her. The oldest boy put an arm around his boyfriend's waist and grabbed his sister's hand and began following his mother.

Only one person saw the envious look that a certain kid from the Isle was giving the oldest of the trio.

And he didn't like the look one bit. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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