💔Angst hcs💅

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Teehee also some of these aren't really hcs

Hc: Finn had to kill Finney to beat the grabbers game.

Hc: Robin never forgave himself for getting himself kidnapped.

Hc: Vance cried for his mom when he realized he won't ever see her again.

Hc: Bruce sometimes wishes he didn't stop pedaling his bike home for a stupid magic trick.

Hc: Finney thought the can in The Grabbers hand was silly string.

Hc: Vances Mom made him that choker he wears and beats himself up after he 'lost' it and saw The Grabber wearing it.

Hc: Robin was mauled by Samson.

Hc: Vance was gutted slowly by The Grabber.

Hc: Bruce was beaten to death when he tried to escape the 2nd time because he thought he could still run fast but malnutritionment said otherwise..

Hc: Griffin was emotionally attached to The Grabber because he was the only one to actually pay attention to him and not ignore him it wasn't until the other ghost boys that he realized The Grabber was the bad guy.

Hc: Billy sometimes wishes he was on a different route that day. (but only sometimes otherwise if he was he would've never met Griffin)

Hc: the only reason no one came to check on the noise outside was because they thought it was just teenagers due to the grabbers loud engine blocking Finneys screams

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Hc: the only reason no one came to check on the noise outside was because they thought it was just teenagers due to the grabbers loud engine blocking Finneys screams.

Hc: Griffin wishes he was more confident in himself to make friends so he wouldn't have had to walk home alone that day.

Hc: The Grabber broke Griffins back when he tried to run by accident and just decided to kill him on the street as he couldn't keep him alive for much longer.

Hc: Griffin had to watch The Grabber assault, torture and murder all the kids.

Hc: when Griffin woke up as a ghost for the first time he thought he was still alive and thought The Grabber just moved him upstairs so he tried to escape only to see his hands phase through his bike lock unable to touch it and unable to go through the front door. (It took him 2 days to process that he'll never get to see his momma again)

Hc: Griffin liked Billy the most since he was the first person in days (one month and 4 days for everyone else but days for Griffin cause The Grabber saw him before he died) to see him and talk to him without hurting him.

Hc: Robins uncle gave Finn Robins bandanna collection and some stuff he couldn't look at.

Hc: Finn hated eggs and sprite with a Deep passion as it reminded him of the basement.

Hc: Finn quit baseball after he played a game against Bruces old team after he saw they replaced him with someone else. (Aslo because baseball reminded him too much of Finney)

Hc: Finn avoided going to the grab 'n' go asuch as he could even more after he heard someone say they saw someone beat Pinball Vance Hoppers high score. (He wanted to punch them hard and even harder after that one but he won't tell a soul he thought this not even gwen)

Hc: Billys parents gave his dog away to the shelter since it reminded them too much of Billy. (Also because they hated the damn thing after she was found at Billys last known location)

Hc: Billy plays with his dog in the shelter since dogs have that 6th sense.

Hc: Robin looks after his Uncle sometimes but stopped soon after because he saw him cry alone at the drive in for Texas chainsaw massacre.

Hc: Robin tries to contact Gwen in her dreams to wake up and check on Finn because he's crying in his sleep again.

Hc: Vance hasn't visited his mom once because he's scared of what she would thought of him after dying to a pedophile. (He went and visited her a few days later because of Bruces persistence only to see her crying on his bed)

Hc: Sometimes the ghost boys come together and look after Finn and feel guilty for making him kill someone and try their best to comfort him from beyond the grave.

Hc: Finn started hating magicians and magic tricks after his 2nd nightmare out of the basement. (He started to hate the color black and any dark colors and ESPECIALLY ugly Christmas sweaters)

Ok so I was gonna do brance hcs but I had like soamy angst hc ideas I just had to write them first sorry if they're not good lol.


Hc: Finney wanted to work for NASA when he grew up and skipped town but after the grabber he threw that dream out the window and decided to just become a cop so he could stay beside Gwen and take care of her because he doesn't want to lose her too.

(I like to think it's the reason why he left behind his toy rocket).

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2022 ⏰

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