Meeting colbys friends

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Considering I'm colbys sister, I actually never met any of his friends except for Sam, Jake, and Corey. I walked down stairs into the living room since colby said that they would be there in 10 minutes so I just chilled on the couch til they got there.

Once they came I saw a boy with long brown hair, another boy with long hair. They both walked up to me, "Hi I'm nate, and this is Seth what's your name" one of the boys said. "I'm y/n, nice to meet you" I responded.

I decided to talk with seth and turned out we had alot in common. Turns out we are both 23 and enjoy horror movies and many other things we had in common.

Me and seth talked for about an hour til him and nate both left. "So how did you enjoy meeting nate and seth?" Colby asked me. "It was alright seth seems quite nice" I responded "see I told you meeting my friends wasn't so bad" he said sarcastically. "Yeah well I'm going to bed night colbs" I said heading upstairs "NIGHT KIDDO" he yelled as I closed my door.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter
205 words

"My Love" |Seth borden X y/n brock|Where stories live. Discover now