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Should I go talk to him ?

While trying to look at the redhead's book
out of the corner of my eye, I was interrupted by the presence of
a person right in front of my desk, her short
blond hair matched her eyes and a smile
adorned her lips, not betraying her joy.

"Hello, my name is Lumine.
May I know your name ?"

I stopped spying on my classmate and
turned my head to look at the blonde, taking a
few quiet breaths to prepare myself to speak. I
always hated talking
to others and used to be the lonely girl,
unable to approach those around me. If Yoimiya
had never joined this school too, who knows if I wouldn't have
just buried myself and hidden from all these people

"Y/N." Is all I answered, cursing myself, I
sighed through my nose.

Despite my simple and dry response, her
smile remained radiant on her lips.
"Nice to meet you Y/N ! I know this is
such a quick ask but can I sit right in front of you? I would
love to get to know the person who will be in my main
class the whole year."

"Oh yeah..of course." I clenched my fists under
my desk and forced a soft smile, exhausted
with myself and desperate that someone
will be there to make me stress even more.

"Great thanks !" She pulled the chair
back in front of my desk and sat down on it.

At that moment I was actually surprised
when she really did it, people usually never paid attention to me or
looked at me or even talked to me, I always thought it was because I wasn't pretty enough for all of them to pay
attention to me but that was before..
maybe this year will be a little better
than all the ones I've experienced.

"Do you know why so few
people are present?" I dared to ask, also trying not
to already get a reputation as the boring girl.
The blonde was about to speak but
was automatically cut off by the boy next to me.

"There is no real reasons for that but
several students allow themselves to
come later, and as for the main teacher, the one we
have apparently lives a little further away than all
of us and takes time to arrive."

He placed his book on his desk while placing his bookmark between pages, looking from me to the student right in front of me, a slight friendly smile appearing on his thin lips.

"Haha..my name is Childe." *He chuckled captivating
my attention while looking at me again
before being by his turn interrupted by Lumine.

"Dirty ginger, she wasn't even speak
to you and it's really rude to
interrupt people !" She frowned and
betrayed her own anger.

"Well I figured it was my turn
to talk to her." Defending
himself and also frowning .

I quickly became embarrassed by their argument and I watched them calmly, watching them throwing insults at each other.
Suddenly the classroom door opened and welcomed a group of young people, all equally ordinary, they had not in fact arrived late.

The sudden sound of intertwined voices came to my ears, loud noises have always been my sore spot because of my sensitive ears. So I immediately took my headphones out of my pockets and placed them in my ears.

"I'm going to listen to some music...
continue your argument and don't be shy to."
I said in a low, sarcastic tone as I pulled
my phone out of my pockets too, happy that I
have permission to take it to class
for this kind of moment.

The Void from Neighborhood started playing through my wireless headphones and I turned my head towards the window while ignoring them. The minutes passed and the class was full, the teacher had also arrived and I took off my headphones in his presence. The class became silent when he arrived and even the two bickering students had calmed down. He announced in a clear voice.

"Good morning my dear students."
His golden and brown eyes scanned everyone
in the room, analyzing which students were in his
class this year. "A little introduction for the
few new students here..my name is Morax, and for
your happiness, I give you all the access
to call me by Mr. Zhongli." He said with a soft smile.

He looked at a girl with purple hair and
then at me, preparing to greet us.

"And my greetings, Miss Keqing and Miss L/N." His
head gave us a nod. "I also hope for both of
you to have a great school year at Teyvat School."

The thirteen minutes that passed were
to explain what was going to happen
today, specifying the special festivities
that happen every year at this school
and that the rest of the day
is ours. Several activity stands were
scattered throughout the school.
He reminded us that these festivities will
end at exactly 3 p.m. and that if we start
to get exhausted, we can always leave the school and go
out of the school, even head to our rooms.

"You are now free to go out." He announced
out with a sweet smile. "Have a great day."

Everyone present all got up in a hurry
to go around the school, and yet I already
felt that it was going to be boring for me.

Without any questions, I quickly rushed towards
the exit to escape the blonde and the redhead and found myself
in a corridor that was strangely well decorated for the day and
filled with students of different ages. My main goal was to go to the next class where Yoimiya was. Approaching, I
noticed her coming out of the class accompanied
by a long blonde hair and two pale blue
hairs her side. Letting me confused about these persons.


I'm a beginner at writing so please really
don't judge because I myself am disappointed
by the way I write so simply when I'm really
trying to be like those people who completely
detail everything
1 026 words

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