chapter 11

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Karthik pov

My blood boiled when i saw my laddu laughing with a guy what's his name abimanyu i glared at him and distribute the papers and explain how to do it

I made a individual project for a reason so that I can spend some time with my laddu...

By seeing itself i can say my laddu is not fond of the idea of individual project...

Day by day my love towards her increases❤️ i can't do anything even she is this much close to me ,i can't wait to make her mine .first i have to tell my mom about my Swetha

She will be very happy for me..

Now I'm in my cabin watching her through cctv damn... Man what is she doing to me...

She is hell out confused probably how to do the project my silly girl....😂

Now you have no way buttu u have to come to me i smirked in thought of that


" Sir the client is withdrawing our shares sir" my personal PA told me over phone fear is senced in his voice

" Wtf you guys are doing.....can't you manage this much thing what the hell am I paying you..... for man.. damn it"

I was beyond boundary of my anger then the door of my office room opens..there my laddu came with her team mates

She looks.... beautiful in that green chudi i forgot what i was doing i was in awww....💚💚💚

" Goodmorning sir " i came out my thoughts

" Good morning u guys started the project"

By mentioning of the project my girl tensed i have to control my laugh

" No sir hereafter only we have to start" i dont like this guy abimanyu

" Okay start if you have any doubt... Come to me"
I looked at my buttu her face softened a little smile formed on her cheeks man.... I can die for it❤️

They excused themself


"Excuse me sir" abimanyu guy😏

"Come in"

His performance was not that bad he was actually good as a intern but he made a few mistakes

Then suddenly i remembered he is a guy who laughed with my buttu...
I teach him how to do it rudely poor boy scared many times. he too picked it up very quickly

But where is my buttu why she is not coming to me this won't do...

" Ask rest of them to meet me after lunch"
I said in my as usual stone voice

There is a lot of work is bending i don't know what the hell this guys doing as i was checking my papers...

" Excuse me sir may i come in"
By hearing the voice i found it is my laddu

" Come in"

She is very nervous and scared i watched her every move she is looking very homely and innocent

She is been looking on the ground not at me i was upset

" What's your progress"

"Sir_r" she stutter sweat is profusely forming on her forehead already she is sparkling... the sweat made her even more beautiful but it's not right she shouldn't fear of me

"Sorry sir only two test cases are passed i don't know how to do " she said it in one go and takes a deep breath

Don't do it baby

" Come here"

She is taking baby step with her laptop

She smells very good I'm controlling may too much i want to make her mine asap i thought

"Show me" there everything is wrong😂

She is seeing me in a puppy face
I can't control

" Sit there i ll be back" i told her and went to the washroom attached to the office. karthi get a hold on yourself man she I'll be scared if you do anything stupid i gave a pep talk to myself and came out

There my laddu sitting with a deep thoughts she scared when i sat besides her suddenly she is breathing heavily and didn't meet my gaze

Ohhh.. so my girl intimated towards me she is very cute when she feels shy and not meeting my gaze after that she didn't meet my gaze at once

"That's it Swetha... You did well if you follow what i said you can successfully finish it"

"Thank you sir" she said in her low voice

Being with her this much close i can't do anything makes me frustuate

" Can I leave" she asked biting her lips if she stay any more time i don't know what can I do after that

" You can leave Swetha"
She ran away in a lightening speed
I chuckled by her cute clumsy thing...

Karthik outfit

So this silly boy is in" LOVE"😂🦋❤️💜❤️💜

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So this silly boy is in" LOVE"😂🦋❤️💜❤️💜

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