ObsidianClone Of The NightWings!

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Gender: Male

Appreciate: Obsidian is a fully black Nightwing, no sliver spots on his wings, no silver scales, and fully black eyes.

Personality: Grumpy, Loner.

Home: A island a few miles away from the east coast of the NightWing Kingdom.

Occupation: None

Age: 3,000.

Mother: Dead.

Father: Dead.

Brother: Dead.

Sister: Dead.

Likes: The thought of death.

Dislikes: Being immortal.

Special Ability: Immortal.

Weakness: None.

Reason For Looks: Was animus enchanted to turn into a immortal obsidian statue.

BackStory: Some Animus enchanted for three thousand years, some how the enchantment was broken, and he flew to some safe due to dark stalker being their, and finally landed on his island where his lives today.

Crush: SnowDin.

Mate: None.

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