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In the aftershock of a tremendous earthquake that shocked the world there was this. Power. Power had awoken in the earth as though it were burning. The cows did not make enough milk to ease the fires and if by some miracle milk came from the sky it would only make things worse. Peter knew that he had to find the thing he had lost. It would be in his room. In his house, on the giant tree where he lived it had to be. What he was looking for was very dear to him. It was a pendant with a small vile inside gold. You see children do not see things as adults do. Adults see in right or wrong, but children see as clear as the sky or as dark as the abyss. They had once ruled as children but in aging we lose something of our purity. Fear is pure, love is pure. And where one is the other gets thrown out. If he could just find his pendant that he always kept so close he would be okay. He needed it like air. He needed it like the water it held. He needed it.

You see his father was a dunamul and with that came responsibility. They lived on a giant tree far away in a place called silron forest. There there is a school where the powers that would be would be and they did flourish there. They have many secrets, but it was time to propagate them. Peter looked under the dresser and there it was. The pendant. Overjoyed he reached out and grabbed it. But a spider came out from under the dresser. And said "I know what you have done, the girl with whom your spit is shared is in trouble! Pray for her or we will take prey from her!" the spider roared and hissed its way back to its hidey hole. Peter sat there in a cold sweat. He liked spiders, he did but they say the strangest things and to peter who had heard countless thousands of spiders speak (always chilly cryptic messages) knew what the spider meant this time which was the first time since he was noticeably younger that he understood. Peter wondered whether it was the serpents or the flies that ailed the girl. The girls name he thought must be Dorothy. His childhood friend before he had to moved back to the treehouse in silron forest. He grew up with the spiritual powers of the Dunamul's. But she had grown up with industrial power. What would it be like to see her again he thought? He concluded it would be great.

Time to pray peter thought. Praying was peters strong suit and he knew what to do. First, he had to get their guardians attention and his guardian was Dunamis herself.

"Dunamis!" peter called in his head.

He saw a glimmer of a light in his head then a voice spoke.

"Who speaks?" the voice requested politely (not always the case)

"Peter handbrokes of silron forest tree base, I need to pray" peter responded.

"thankyou peter I'll get a prayer along to you shortly, this is Dunamis" Dunamis replied "remember to clean up when you are done".

"Okay thankyou mis duna" peter replied happily.

In an instant peter was transported into one of many caves at the base of the giant tree where people go to pray. He saw the two books that he had seen countless times before one containing prayers he had made throughout his life and another containing all the scriptures he'd collected. Next to it was a loaf of bread and a bottle of red wine this is meant to last the day. "welp". Peter thought. "time for the long haul" he opened the book and began his prayers.

After reading through some of the prayers briefly he came to the bookmark where he had left of. There there was a new prayer titled "it takes three to make one" he read through it briefly then ate some bread and drank some wine and began to pray.


5 hours and 2 aftershocks later peter deeply engrossed in his praying was nearing the end when strange things began to occur first the room began to grow very hot like there was a furnace brewing in the room. Peter had encountered that on several occasions though he continued his prayer " dear father who is holy in his heavens and very busy but never too busy for his children low on the earth you who maintains loving devotion to a thousand generations, forgiving iniquity, transgression, and sin. Yet You will by no means leave the guilty unpunished you who show compassion and is by no means hot of nose but is slow to anger I have one thing to ask keep Dorothy safe!" his voice joined with the heat made even more clear and contagious to God's ear but left peter feeling exhausted and sweaty, it was time for a break. So, peter put his special vial on the ground and reached for some bread. But all of a sudden he heard a squeaking of a mouse and a big shadow leaned on the wall. It was a mouse with some cheese. The mouse bought the cheese and plopped it right on the ground in front of peter. It began with one mouse and soon grew into a whole family of mice, one by one they came and plopped cheese in front of peter until it was a great mound of cheese! Peter was exhausted but waited until they were finished then he heard a loud voice giant and bellowing but still nonetheless, say " I will protect her but go... go to her and bring her to the mountains of asterlope where I can bless her at the alter there" peter then fell into a deep sleep in the cave.


When peter awoke he was in his bed how he got there he didn't comprehend he clamored in his bed in the darkness then saw his father in the moonlight. His father was still and quiet. Peter stared at his father in the darkness of his room, waiting. His father opened his mouth slightly beginning to speak. "The other dunamuls spoke to me, they said you needed to go." His father ached. "When I lost your mother in the war against the mages two years ago I knew I'd lose you too but- ". Peter stopped his dad. "But dad you didn't loose mum she's still here I can feel it." Peter was screaming inside. His dad had lost hope of ever seeing her until the resurrection, but he was the leader of all the dunamuls of the silron forest he ought to have the most hope of all of them but... as peter had supposed it was a copping mechanism his father used to endure the pain. Better dead than tortured or even worse. Peter did not want to think about it, and well he should not. Peter's father continued. "Now I know what's going on here. You know when there is someone special and honored by God and called and chosen by him, their family tends to not honor him as much as he or she deserves. It was the same with me and my family before I had you, so I know what its like... so... ill do my best to honor you like you deserve. You're special peter, remember that, okay". A tear fell out of peters father's eye. "You must go..." peters father named Jonathan handbrokes continued. "...and take carry with you". Carry drake was peters best friend and a eunuch. He was the only other boy at the tree that was peters age and he was a mere 3 months older. Peter was a spider tamer and carry was a snake charmer and together they were unstoppable. His father stood up and peter enquired of his father. "When should I go?" "You leave in three days" peters father answered. "Have a good sleep". Peter lay back in bed and checked for his vial. It was in his pocket where he usually kept it. Then his father gave him instructions on a piece of paper of what to bring on his journey and left.


The next few days Peter was busy packing. On the last day was a send off party the adults were allowed drinks of all sorts and there was a bonfire where they burned nice smelling herbs and plants. Peter stood in front of the bonfire trying to face the fire. For peter this was like facing God. Carry interrupted Peters meeting with the almighty and asked "so, you ready to go?" Peter nodded a confirmation and they sat down together in front of the bonfire. "Y'know my dad had a dream where you were rotting here and started to smell bad and then the dream flashed to you being buried. Then... he woke up and went back to sleep. And dreamed of the same thing happening to me... our life here ends but a new journey starts. Let's make it golden!" Carry said with depth. Peter nodded and mumbled. The two being best friends they didn't need to say much to get along. They both laid back with their feet to the fire. Carry offered a fist bump to Peter and Peter returned it. They both smiled at each other. Then Carry looked into his eternal belt (a dunamisical belt that lets the user carry a near infinite amount of things with simply a belt. He pulled out a sword. "I got this from my mum... a new sword." Carry said. "Hey... that's pretty cool." said peter, musing. "I also got this from my dad but don't tell anyone... it's a special herb sprayed with Dunamis's sent. It'll attract her if you light it and if you inhale the smoke she'll live quietly inside you. Ha-ha its almost like they're drugifying God. But, yeah its only for emergencies." Carry confirmed. Peter reached out and held it for a bit let out a "huh" then handed it back to Carry. They were interrupted when the old seers shouted "its time to plot the course for carry and peter!". The rest of the night was a big rush for the both of them. They lauded over maps of the world and drank plenty of milk... yes just milk... nothing other than that... hopefully... hehe. Anyway... where was I... oh, yes. Then after being taken to the gates where there are gremlins to keep people out but also to keep people in (troublemakers those gremlins. One is pulling my hair right no- ouch) they where given much shouting and encouragement and their fathers walked them right to the gates. "they encouraged them once more and peters father said to peter "have a great journey! Safe but not too safe, fun but not too much fun. Learn but don't learn too much. And most of all save the girl!" They bid them farewell. Peter and Carry then left on their journey not knowing whether they would ever return. 

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