Chapter 3 - Target Practice (Sloane)

Start from the beginning

That is a problem for another day.

An incoming text from Cami brought my mind back to the problem at hand.

Cami: Two hours until I need you together and cozy. You ready?

The 'together' part Chris and I could handle.

Chris's movers would be done in 45 minutes and we would head to Target in 2 hours to be pictured together while walking to and from the store.

The press part Cami would handle.

She demanded a text exactly 12 minutes before we left our building so she had enough time to get someone there.

Just a simple picture of us holding hands or just... really, really close... That's it. Easy.


If it was easy, my stomach wouldn't feel as if it was weighed down by a box of rocks right now.

The nervous sweats had definitely taken over, I'd already changed my shirt twice.

And now Chris was standing at my doorstep with his dog, trying to move him into my apartment.

Nope. Absolutely not. Line = drawn.

He was supposed to be going to Lisa's for the time being.

"Chris. No. You are not moving that mutt into my apartment."

I almost laughed. Chris and Dodger both looked taken aback by my comment but knowing him, it wasn't because I wasn't letting Dodger in. It was because–

"Don't say mutt like that. Like it's some... derogatory thing. He's a mixed breed. And he's wonderful.." He paused, looking at his feet like a scolded ten-year-old. "Andmymacan'ttakehimsohe'smovinginwithus."

My eyes rolled. "Okay, sorry. I won't call him a mutt again. But what was the last part?"

Chris eyed Dodger, then looked back up at me. "My ma can't take him."

"Chris!" I whined, drawing out his name dramatically. "You know I love him, but he can't live here! He sheds.... Everywhere. And you remember like 3 years ago when he peed on your couch?"

"It was 3 years ago." Chris deadpanned, Dodger huffing next to him like he was annoyed I was even bringing it up.

Living with Chris was going to be hell. Living with Chris and his twin brother here? Worse.

A gentleman carrying 2 of Chris's boxes flushed pink as he walked between us, embarrassed to have been caught in the middle of this lover's quarrel.

I knew determination when i saw it. Fuck. I'm going to have to live with a dog.

Chris knew the moment i caved, even if i didn't express it verbally. He immediately relaxed, that signature shit-eating grin making its appearance and he walked through the doorway like he owned the place, releasing Dodger's leash to let him roam.

"You owe me." I ground out through clenched teeth.

Chris winked, setting a small flutter to life in my belly. "Anything you want, my darling rose."

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