He saw someone walking towards him it was all blurry so he didn't know who it was till he saw that it was Izana he softly smiled "ne Izana look after my brothers and Tora for me and tell Inui and Koko I love them yea" he say before he faint but before he did he hear Izana say "They love you two and you will make it out alive" Sanzu could tell he was crying but he then black out.

They were at a hospital waiting for the new to know if their friend to wake up this was a nightmare for all "hey I found his diary should I read it" Ran says holding up a book that said don't read Kazutora knew that book "He once said if he ends up attempting again we can read so yes you can" Kazutora voice sounded dull this surprised them once more Ran sat down and everyone sat near him so they could listen.

(random date)

Today I meet these two boys who seem really cool, and they already have tattoos, and they are only 12 while I'm only 9 they seem great. Ran seems like a really nice big brother I wish I had that Rindou also seems really nice even if he acts all mean he is actually very cool. My day was going quite bad but after meeting them two I was happy. Omi-nii yelled at me again he blamed me once more, Mikey and Kei left me alone again. My bullies ripped up my book, they also kicked me down the stairs but that's alright Omi-nii said big boys don't cry so I didn't, anyway I got to go.








(Random date)

I ran away from home I don't want to be there anymore. Takeomi slapped me hard again Senju didn't even care she kept crying latching herself to Takeomi, they never cared for me I wonder how the afterlife is like. I watched one of my 'friends' get killed. What would happen if i never lived at all.






(Random date)

I meet a boy name Kazutora he is really awesome I hope we get along in the future I wonder if he will also leave me like everyone else. After my scars mikey and kei don't really hang out with me that makes me sad. I also met up with Ran and Rindou we had lots of fun together I'm glad we are friends even if they would only end up leaving me.








(Random date)

Kazutora went to jail snice he and Baji broke into Shin bike shop, they killed him but I knew Shin wouldn't want me to hurt them and I wouldn't snice Kazutora was scared and saw an angry male approach Kei. At least Shin is in a better place, but I miss him so much why does god hate me so much. I guess.... He does exist expect I'm not loved by him just like my other best friend Izana.

(Few months ago)

I met these two boys they make butterflies in my stomach; I think it was called love at first sight. I have no idea but if I did fall in love I better fall out of it because the two are in a relationship and I don't want to ruin it. So I better hide these feelings from both Inui and Koko....







(Few weeks)

I've been getting really lightheaded from all these cutting its funny, I wounder what it would be like to have someone actually care for you, Kazutora has finally been let out of jail I'm so happy I wont have to be alone anymore because everyone had their best friend while I didn't. I still hate how all the other Toman members (aren't captains) stare and whisper shit about me. I really hate how I'm always the 2nd choice never the 1st it kind of hurts but I can get over it right?







(Just before the attempt)

I don't think I can keep going, Ran probably found this and Kazutora probably said you guys can read this so I'm glad I got to meet those who I call my friend and may we all meet again in another life. Kokonoi Hajime and Inui Seishu hah yea I like you two I just didn't say anything snice you guys would regret but who cares I'm going to die. Rindou Ran you guys are the best brothers I have ever had I'm glad I got to call you my brothers look after each other's yea. Kazutora you are the best friend I had ever met please live a long life with Mitsuya. I guess us being the always 2nd choice duo would only become one huh? anyway make sure no one takes my place or ill haunt you.

After they had heard entire book most of them were now a sobbing mess but Ran, Rindou, Kazutora, Koko, Inui had it the worst. After a while everyone had to leave the only ones who did were Ran and Rindou who didn't want to leave their brother and just stayed there waiting for their little devil to wake up.


I woke up and saw it was all white I was confused till I heard "Haru..." my entire body froze I solely turned around and saw someone I never thought I would "shin...?" I mumbled he opened his arms up I quickly ran into them hugging him.

After a while once I had calmed down I looked up seeing shins eyes on me "am I dead?" I asked shin looks at me and shakes his head "no" I frown at this "you should wake up soon everyone is waiting for you too It has been 2 weeks" he says I look down "that Koko and Inui kid aren't doing the best in their rooms alone, and Kazutora isolated himself and both your brothers haven't slept or eaten they care about you so wake up" I looked at him and his eyes widen.

"w-why couldn't they forget me already" I say while tears rolling down my eyes at rapid speed "I hate this" "all this guilt" I mumbled but I knew shin knew what I said. He hugs me one time "wake up" he whispers patting my hair.

He started fading "SHIN" I quickly screamed I try to grab him inside when I went to grab him I sat up at rapid speed which made everyone look over snice they had visited my hand still out in the air I looked around and saw I had woken up "ah shit" I say I looked over towards where Koko and Inui stood I blushed then looked at Kazutora "DO THEY KNOW???" I quickly yelled in Spanish Kazutora just nods I started laughing then stopped "I GOING TO DIE AGAIN" I laughed holding my hair.

But I was stopped when I felt both Rin and Ran tackle me into a hug "AH SHIT" I yelled which made some chuckle "HARU" the two I call brothers yell I looked at them and saw that Shin was right 'fuck you can't even do anything right pathetic' I thought. I then felt them both hug me I felt my shoulder getting wet I looked at the two and saw them crying, it hurts knowing if I wanted to leave this hell place these two would look worst.

I felt like breaking down, but I didn't I just held it in like usual. I was trying to stop shaking but I couldn't My mask was breaking. Ran then hugged me placing my head into his shoulder well Rin hugged me from behind "let it out" they said. That was the last straw I broke down letting them all see my vulnerable side gripping harshly on Ran's shirt while I continued to sob loudly, breathing heavily. Last time I cried like this was when Shin comfort me and his death.

After I had finished crying I fell asleep in Rindou arm snice Ran had to go take a call, and everyone else had to leave snice visiting hour had ended.

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