New Start

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It was the start of a beautiful Monday morning, you were excited for your first day at your new school Richmond High. You had just moved to California from New York and so far you really liked it here. You really missed your 1 old friend but were excited to make new ones "hopefully."
"Skylar, hurry up your gonna be late"

[At school in the car]

"Sky, you need to put yourself out there to make friends, you can't just have one friend for 2 years."
"Mom do you really not think I haven't tried to make friends, I dont know what else I can do. I have to go see you later."

[In class]
"Morning class, I'd like to introduce you to our new student, this is Skylar Martin. Please make her feel welcome, Skylar please have a seat next to Willow."
"Hi I'm Willow, OMG I love your outfit, I can tell that were gonna be bestie."
"Hi I'm Skylar but you can call me Sky. Oh thanks, that sounds great."

"Sky, come sit with us. Guys this is Skyler Martin she's from New York and she's my bestie, so don't mess with her."
"Hi Skylar I'm Kyle, this is Leah my sister and this is Olivia." "Hi it's nice to meet you guys" "So we meet here every break.....everyday, so your one of us now, cause whatever Willow says is what has to happen. Got it?"
"Yah, sounds perfect"
Jeez this guy is hot af, tall, dark hair, brown eyes and sweet as hell.

"So Skylar why did you move to California, from the best place ever?"
"Well Olivia, my dad got a job here so me and my parents moved."
Silence fell over the whole cafeteria as the doors swung open and 3 hot guys walked in I looked over at Willow.
"Oh yah, so the one in the middle is Mattheo McCall he's the captain of the LaCrosse team, the one on the left is Liam who sucks at LaCrosse but still makes the team every year and is Mattheo's best friend and the one on the right is Jacob, he's also on the LaCrosse team and is the second top player after Mattheo and the blondie attached to Mattheo is Taylor his gold digger girlfriend and the school queen bee."
And I thought Kyle was hot, you should see Mattheo, and that bee with a itch, I'll get him, mark my words.

"Hey Sky, close your mouth your drooling everywhere."
"Shut up Kyle, let the poor girl take in the amazing views."
"Leah you better not be looking at Liam again, or I swear I'll kick his ass."
"Guys why are they coming over here?"
"Because Jacob is Olivia's older brother, and why do you sound so scared Skylar Martin, is it love at first sight??"
"Phss, what no....thats absolutely crazy Willow, your seeing things."

"Hey Livs, whats up guys... well well well who do we have here?"
"Jacob this is Skylar, Skylar this the biggest asshole and biggest jock Jacob."
"Shut up Kyle, nice to meet you Skylar this is Liam and the guy you've been drooling over is Mattheo."
"I have not been drooling, but its great to meet you guys, anyway I've gotta go so see you guys later."

[After school]
"Hey girl I've been looking for you the whole goddamn day."
"Sorry I just couldn't look at Mattheo for another second or I would of combust."
"Taylor won't like you very much if she heard that you are in love with her boyfriend, but anyway thats not what I came here to talk about, I wanted to find out if you wanted to come for a sleep over tonight?"
"Tonight is a school night!"
"Yah and?"
"I'll have to ask my mom.... Hi mom I was wondering can I please stay over at Willow Brown's house tonight?"
"Hi honey, sure no problem just send me her parents numbers."
"Thank you mom, will do."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11 ⏰

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