"We'll break off from here," Shota said, ruffling Kawa's hair lovingly before handing her a card. "This is where your seat is. Just find the number aisle and sit down, okay?"

The girl nodded, sparing a slightly nervous glance to her adoptive father before entering the room. Just like the mall, the amount of people in the room made Kawa want to run out and leave. Instead, she found her seat almost instantly, sitting down in order to slow her rapid heartbeat

She found herself beside an electric blond.

At first, Kawa only gave his appearance a passing glance before she sat down and began picking at the wooden notches of the table. Then, she felt as though the boy was staring at her.

Turning her head to meet his eyes, Kawa was mildly surprised to find his face incredibly close to her's.

Silently, though not very subtly, she admired the brightness of his electrifyingly brownish eyes.

The boy yelped, scrambling back in his seat before clearing his throat, obviously embarrassed at being caught.

"Hey there, cutie..!" He bounced up with a confident expression, swiping his bangs to the side with his fingers. "I'm Denki Kaminari, but you can call me the guy of your dreams!"

"I have never dreamed of anyone," Kawa responded dryly, wearing a confused expression on her face. "I've also never met you before now?"

For a moment, the boy known as Kaminari had to take a moment to process Kawa's words, quickly blushing in embarrassment and releasing an anxious chuckle. 

"U-Uh.. that was a pickup line," he explained. "I-I mean.. I guess—? I don't know, it obviously didn't work, hah.."

"Pickup line?" Kawa echoed the statement, glancing around with even more bafflement. "Nobody is being picked up, nor are there any lines..?"

"N-No.." Kaminari resisted the urge to chuckle, waving his hand slightly as he explained. "I'm hitting on you..!"

Memories began to race through Kawa's mind as she jumped to conclusions, putting her arms in front of her face in order to shield herself. "Do not hit me!"

Other students began to whisper and point, quite obviously wondering about the situation Kawa currently found herself in. Except the more she heard the whispers, the more the girl wanted to curl up.

Her breathing became more and more erratic until..

"Hey, it's okay..!" Kaminari rested his much bigger hands on Kawa's shoulders, rubbing them softly as he stared at her with the most apologetic expression. "I'm so sorry, please don't cry.."

Kawa let the movement of Kaminari's fingers engrave in her mind, focusing solely on the repetitive motion and grounding herself to reality. It was as if the whispering stopped.

Perhaps it was all in her head?

Then suddenly, as if coming to her senses, Kawa quickly brushed off Kaminari's hands, clearing her throat so that she could speak more politely.

"I apologize for the trouble," she started, bowing slightly as she introduced herself. She stuck her hand out. "I am Kawa Ejiri. It is surely a pleasure to meet you, Denki Kaminari."

The boy in question could almost facepalm himself.

Of course, being the disaster he is, Kaminari gained the courage to talk to the adorable girl he spotted as soon as she walked in, only to end up freaking her out with his flirts.

But besides that, there was one another thing that Kaminari couldn't stop thinking about.

Her voice.

It was a soft, flighty voice; not the annoying kind, but the type that sent butterflies to ravage his lungs. It was the type of voice that could lull anyone to sleep in an instant. In a short summary, Kaminari felt as though he had heard an angel speak.

He reached his hand out toward her's, grabbing it and moving it into a handshake motion.

"Warm.." Kaminari instinctively whispered, not realizing he had said it out loud until Kawa mentioned it.

"Pardon?" Meanwhile, Kawa swore she heard the boy say something under his breath, but wasn't sure. "Did you say something..?"

"N-No..!" Kaminari panicked out at Kawa's confusion, sending the smaller girl an apologetic expression before continuing. "It's nice to meet you too!"

The boy paused for a moment, inhaling a deep breath and pushing his bangs back. They flopped back down, tickling Kaminari's forehead as he put on a more confident front.

"What's your quirk, Princess..?"

With a slightly puzzled look, Kawa tilted her head. "I possess no royal lineage," she replied, immediately jumping into an explanation. "My quirk is called Vocal Hypnosis."

Sensing Kaminari's confusion, Kawa continued her explanation.

"I can manipulate and control the actions of others through my voice," she said, a slightly disturbed expression crossing her face briefly before it completely disappeared. "It's most effective when I hum or sing."

"I didn't mean Princess literally, ya' know..?" Kaminari clarified, chuckling lightly as though the thought amused him. "It's a nickname for you."

Kawa didn't react immediately, opting to ignore the comment instead of asking about it. The only nickname she had ever been given; she despised, though Kaminari's nickname didn't plague her with the same effect.

"What's your quirk?" Kawa asked, glancing up at the boy's black streak. "Is it something to do with electricity perhaps?"

"You're right! My quirk is Electrification, so I can generate electricity and cover my body with it!" Kaminari paused, his smile brightening as he spoke. "Also, your quirk sounds really cool! You must be really good at singing!"

A comfortable silence developed between the both of them, neither of the two having the ability to start up conversation once more.

The noise in the large testing room suddenly dimmed down, as the tired teacher Kawa knew as Shota urged the students to sit in their seats and be quiet as he passed out the exam.

Immediately, Kawa noticed that the boy beside her became much more nervous, his knee bouncing up and down as a betrayed show of his anxiety. She felt her facial expression soften, opting her to tense herself once more and look forward.

Now was not the time to grow weak.


[ Word Count: 1360 ]


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