I knew this whole date thing was a joke from the beginning but it was fun going along with it. Calum was a complete gentlemen with a hint of his funny self in the mix which made it a lot more entertaining. I wouldn't even count Luke as a third wheel because you could definitely say that he was as much involved in the date as I was. 

 "Thanks for the dinner, Cal," Luke spoke in the girliest voice he could muster as I laughed 

 "Shut up, you still owe me after this," Calum groaned 

"If I owe you, then Jem owes you too," He argued 

 "No she doesn't because I asked her on this date," Calum smiled draping his arm over my shoulder as we walked back to the car from our dinner 

 "You technically asked me out too," Luke claimed 

 "That is kinda true Cal," I said as he held his large hand over my mouth 

 "Shhhhh," he sounded out before we got into the car 

 When Luke drove us to the mini golf park, the guys had their game faces on and were in each other's faces for each hole.   

"I'm pretty sure I won this one boys," I smirked looking at my score compared to them 

 "There's still three more holes left!" Calum said 

 "Care to make another wager then Hood?" I asked 

 "Fine then you'll lose like the last time," Calum said 

 "I'm placing my bets in this too!" Luke added 

 "I say the two losers have to kiss," I made up already knowing that I'd win 

 "Then you're gonna be making out with Lukey boy tonight," Calum teased 

 "I wouldn't mind losing then," Luke laughed as I punched him in the arm 

 "Oh please, you two are gonna be the ones kissing each other good night at the end of this date," I scoffed 

 "Then we have a deal?" Calum asked 

 "Deal." I shook his and Luke's hand as we continued the game 

 Calum was doing everything he could so he could win but regardless of how bad he was cheating, he still couldn't bring up his score high enough to win, and unfortunately, my shots weren't working out anymore either. Out of some strange luck, Luke came out on top beating me by five measly points. I was as red as a tomato once I realized that I had to kiss Cal tonight because of my dumb bet; Jesus, I should really stop this whole wager thing since it never works out for me. 

"Ha! You have to kiss Calum," Luke sang

Having to kiss Cal wasn't too bad, but at the same time it didn't feel right. I liked him, but just as a friend and I'm pretty sure he doesn't feel anything for me either. 

I groaned as Calum wrapped his arms around me and pretended he was about to kiss me until I pushed his face away. I held his cheeks between my fingers as I spoke 

 "Keep those lips to yourself, we never specified when we were kissing now did we loverboy?" I said as he pouted 

 "Fine," he let out a long fake dramatic sigh 

 By the time we were back at our building it was already almost midnight, but Cal and I still had so much energy flowing through us, Luke, on the other hand, was moments away from knocking out. When we reached my front door, Luke had to call it a night because of how tired he was, but I invited Cal in to watch a movie or two for a little while since we both weren't ready to sleep just yet. 

 "Okay I have Fast and Furious, Princess Diaries, Cinderella," I began listing off my DVDs until Cal cut me off 

 "These are so random. What the hell," he said sitting on the floor next to me to see what else I had 

 "They're old ones from back home and some that I rented." I explained since I still didn't have wifi or cable set up in my home 

 "Okay. Different plan," he started off 

 "You have a laptop right?" He asked 


 "Okay then we'll just steal wifi from my place and get a movie on Netflix going," he said getting up and holding his hand out to help me up as well 

 "I like your thinking Cal. I get free wifi," I smiled leading him to my room where my laptop was 

 He took off his shoes and plopped onto my bed as I turned my laptop on and handed it to him so he could type in the password. I sat next to him letting the both of us lean against my headboard as he started the movie. I didn't even have a say in what we were watching but his choice of Anchorman 2 wasn't anything I could complain about. Around the end of the film, I felt Calum's head start to fall onto my shoulder and once I turned my head to look at him, I could hear his light snores right next to me. 

 "Cal- Calum," I whispered to see if he was the least bit awake, but got no response

 Sighing. I picked out another movie careful to not move too much so he wouldn't be woken up and found my eyes starting to droop as every minute passed by. Before I knew it, my lids were fully closed and soon joined Calum's state, asleep.

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