My first day

41 1 2

Ish forgot it put this up before

Um...well I guess I should say hi! Im gonna be writing in this book occasionally I guess.

May 8 2015

Well to start off I guess I should introduce myself.

Nickname: Shiki

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Favorite things: Anime, yuri, fnaf, video games, blue and red, scarfs (SCARFS ARE LOVE AND LIFE) and pizza.

Dislikes: Anime haters, the puppet, close minded peoples, and WHEN PEOPLE TREAT ME LIKE A KID.

Today I met someone nice called AngelGamerLove, they helped me out a bit. Im not sure how everything works but I hope to get to make friends with all my readers! (If anyone is reading) ^~^ also im working on drawing my own OC even though I kinda suck at it or I might get lazy and ask my friend to help meh XD. Also I only have one book in my library (found out how to put pics), anyone know of others? I can't really use the internet on weekends ≧﹏≦

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