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Also I don't know what Elis moms name is so now she's Victoria  if I find out/or someone tells me ill change it 

They are 5 years old in this (starting school)

"wake up sweetheart" an exited Eli jumped up from his bed "oh look at you all energetic, come on get dressed I'll go get your breakfast Eli" She says waiting for him to nod when he does she leaves the room. 

Walking over to the cupboard retrieving the cereal and milk swiftly pouring it into a bowl, placing a plastic spoon to the side before sitting down next to the seat for Eli. quickly covering her face mumbling a quick "please lord look after him out there, please make sure the kids are nice"

"flakes" Eli says running over and sitting down picking up the plastic spoon diving in, 

His mom looks up at him and makes a weak smile "honey be careful we don't want you getting your new shirt dirty do we?" which causes him to slow down his munching and breath for a second "We have to get going in 10 minutes, are you exited for your first day!" 

Instead of answering he nods finishing of his bowl of cereal looking up at his mom

"okay come on, your going to go brush those teeth of yours" he nods again getting up and walking to the bathroom head low

"Why are you being so loud" a shout comes from inside Victoria room causing her to rushing up to walk in.

"I'm sorry he's just exited for his first day, you don't need to get upset just go back to sleep" She says rushing to calm him down leaning him back to lay down "when I get home ill get you a drink and some food"

"just makes sure he shuts his face up or ill do it for him" he groans going back to sleep


"Ok have good day you just go in through those gate and stand around talk to some kids then the teachers will come get you, you have fun ok" she she smiles at him unlocking child lock. He steps out grabbing his bag walking over to his moms side window "now you need to be brave for me and speak to people you can do that for me right" He grins "good ill be right here at the end of the day ok bye sweetie" 

As he was watching her drive off he waved but secretly wished she'd turn back and take him home. He already knew that kids wouldn't talk to him he knew since he started visiting the park with his mom, parents would tell their kids to stay away or the kids would say things about his scar 'thats gross' was one of the top ones they'd say.

But he still walked into the gate finding a corner to stand in but close enough to the school so he'd hear any teacher. 

"Hey um so can you help me I've got noodle arms and  got my bag stuck in the fence, well I didn't... could you please just come help me" Eli turned around to be faced with the boy who had asked he has dark black hair swept to the side and pale blue eyes that we're lit up by the sun. Instinctively moving his hand to cover his scar, looking around incase the boy had been talking to anyone else 

"uhh" was all that came out of his mouth before he looked down at the floor again 

"look please no one else will and you seem cool" The boy mumbled partly to himself trying to get eye contact from Eli 

Instead of answering with words like a normal 'person' he just nodded. The boy smiled and grabbed the hand not covering his face pulling him along to a corner of the front fence, where a bag was stuck in-between two metal panels but also nearly through to the pavement outside stopping you from opening the bag. 

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