PART 01💜

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In the cloudless sky, the sun had turned in to a powerless lava boll that no longer hurt weak eyes. Near the horizon, it gave a bittersweet yet beautiful feeling that no longer could stop from fading away from the world. Leaving everyone in a unfeeling yet familiar darkness.

"Haaaaa...." Jungkook heaved a sigh as he stared at the reddish horizon across the sea. His heart was filled with satisfaction. It's had been a long time since he feel the sea breeze like this.

The feeling of being surrounded by salty air and the slowly dying sunlight confused his mind to a dreamy and tired sentiment. Yet he continued to walk through the beach step by step silently enjoying the sound of the sea waves.

Letting his shiny black hair dance along with the gentle yet cold wind, he had a pair of loose pants along with a short sleeved shirt all unbuttoned revealing the evidence of his daily exercises. Proving that the young man was a rare handsome.

Jeon Jungkook. A young man who newly graduated from a famous university. After studying like a mad man ignoring everything behind, he finally got the chance to feel that he really is a human, living in this planet...not a machine that under his parents command.

"Haaa..." another loud sigh escaped through the young man's lips. But this time it carried a taste of melancholy instead of the satisfactory it held earlier. Remembering his parents who fighting for money in the business world, Jungkook's filled heart began to leak slowly.

Shaking his head, Jungkook tried to throw those depressed things back into his mind not wanting to ruin his temporary happiness.

This vacation is not long term. Just only for a three month. After this, he need to join his families company and... learn about business again. As the only heir, he can't escape from his responsibility even though he doesn't want to shoulder these so called 'responsibility'.
Yes, This is his long decided fate. He had already accepted it. but for this three months... only for this time, he will live his life as he wish.

As the sun continued to disappear behind the sea, the atmosphere covered in blood red colour that slowly turning in to black. It been nearly an hour yet Jungkook is still walking side by side with the waves with a leisure smile.

This sea side wasn't famous for tourism. So, if it's not some people who live here, there's rarely people walk in the beach. Especially in the evening. So, when Jungkook saw that there's someone sitting on the sand near some bushes, he couldn't help but give a extra look at that side.

Near the long grown bushes, there's a boy sitting on the sand with a leisure look. Hugging his knees facing the endless ocean, he kept staring, with a blank yet peaceful gaze that could affect anyone's troubled mind.

The boy had a white loose t-shirt paired with a black short trousers revealing his long and slender legs. Because of the dying sun, his body had covered with a faint orange colour making it look so he was a mere illusion that coming out of a painting. Needless to say, the scene was so beautiful.

Jungkook blank out for a while staring at the unknown boy who seems to become a beautiful statue. He didn't even know when but he found himself changing his direction and walking towards that boy.

Every step he took, he felt as he was trap in a trance. Helplessly running after a mere mirage.

Jungkook found his situation astonishing. Making him more curious about the boy who he just met.

Jungkook could see from afar, the boy is looking good. But when he walked closer to the boy, the more he became shocked. This was the first time he saw a male, as beautiful as this.

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