Chapter 2: The Cabin In The Woods

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Beth's POV

"Hey stay close, we need to check it out" Daryl answered, voice quiet and cautious. We had come into the view of a dark old wooden cabin with a porch, just lying hidden here in the middle of the woods.

"Alright" I replied, staying close by him. He seemed tense, the muscles in his arms were protruding more than usual and his eyes held a certain hidden pain. "Um.. Daryl, you okay? You seem kinda tense"

"Mmhm" he murmured. I could tell something was up, but pushing him for an answer wouldn't get me anywhere. Daryl Dixon isn't like that. I went about my reply subtly, maybe he'd express himself later if I appeared calm. "Okay"

Daryl tapped on the door with his crossbow, waiting a minute for the distinct sound of walkers. Nothing happened. "C'mon" he ushered me in without a moments hesitation.

The interior was simple really, something that resembled a living area, a bedroom and a cosey little bathroom located just beside the bedroom. All were dark, musky, damp, cold and all the walls and furniture made of the same deep brown wood. Nothing too luxurious, but to us the house was a five star hotel.

"Um Daryl.." I asked hesitantly "Mmhm?" "Do you think there's alcohol here?" I asked, feeling kinda bad, Daddy wouldn't be happy...

"Maybe, why?" he responded with a look of suspicion. "I mean, well" "Want a drink" he finished the uncompleted sentence for me, an eyebrow raised. "Well, something needed to take my mind off things, and I guessed this would work" I said to him, in my defensive tone.

"Sure, why not?" he beckoned me to the living area, still with that pained expression. Hopefully I could coax out whatever he was hiding soon enough, it hurt to see him so upset ...

Hopefully you like it so far :-) I'll be updating more regularly after my exams so keep reading and thank you :-)

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