"Lets go in there and see if anyone who lives there can tell us where to find a mage stone." Deuce told us.

We knocked on the door but the door opened by itself so we went in. The place looked as if no one has lived here in a while, almost like the dorm Crowley lended me. The furniture was tiny and there were seats for seven at the dinning table. Honestly, this looks like a place the little D's would live in. I should take a mental note of this place to tell Lord Diavolo once I get back to the Devildom.

"Yea no ones even here. Looks like this place was inhabited by children when this place was up and running." Ace said sighing. 

"Lets look in the mine then for the stone. I'm sure we can find one ourselves." Deuce told us.

We agreed and headed out to the mine. However, the mine looked dark inside and we couldn't see much.

"So by mage stone, does Crowley mean a literal stone?" I asked the guys.

"Well yes, you see mage stones help us with our magic. We need one to focus our magic through it to summon powerful spells." Duce said.

"Yup, we all have one on our pens. Well I say we as in NRC students." Ace said clearly making fun of Grim and I.

"Then again if we don't get this thing you won't be a student either Ace." I told Ace bluntly.

"Oh shut up." He told me and flipped me off.

"So you want us to go in the pitch dark mine?!" Grim yelled clearly frightened.

"What, you scared?" Ace asked Grim teasing him.

"AS IF! Follow me you stupid humans!" Grim yelled offended. He lit up a candle, or perhaps its a torch, on his way in. I thought of getting him to help us light the place but he did say he wasn't going to be a lighter last night. Yet he became a lighter on his own. 

"What's that?" Deuce asked pointing. There were two ghosts in the mine. Great more ghosts, who knows if these two are friendly like the ones back at Ramshackle.

"Cool visitors, we haven't had those in ten years." One ghost said.

"Welcome to the mine, you can all stay as long as you want. Forever, that is." The other said

The guys, and Grim, started fighting the ghosts to get them away. I stayed back and tried my best to be clear from their attacks. If only I could my magic to help them.

"This won't do. We don't have time to keep fighting them off." Deuce said

"They keep coming, won't these ghosts just take a hint?" Ace said getting annoyed.

"Ghosts don't have a physical body, so they can keep it up all night." I told them.

"We should get moving then, we have a time limit to return." Deuce said getting further into the mine.

"Yea sure, just know that you aren't in charge here so don't think I'll listen to you whenever. We're here because its your fault you know." Ace told Deuce.

"If we take everything that happened today into consideration. It was your fault for trying to ditch your window cleaning punishment." Deuce argued back

"So we're talking from the beginning huh? In that case this all happened because a furball turned the great seven's statue into charcoal." Ace said pointing at Grim

"You did what to the statues?!" Deuce asked grim in shock.

"Oh yea well-" 

"We'll get expelled if you guys don't stop arguing!" I yelled at them interrupting Grim. Even though technically only they would get expelled. Who knows what Crowley wants to do to Grim and I. 

"(Y/N)'s right. We need to get back by morning with the stone." Deuce said calming down.

"Which is exactly why I don't need you ordering us around." Ace said clearly not done.

"EXPULTION!" I yelled at them once more. They jumped in shock a bit, but I didn't care. I heard a soft voice so I ignored them. "Did you guys hear that?" I asked them. The stopped and started looking around.

"...iiivvv... ...oooouuu..."

"Wh-where's that coming from?" Ace asked getting freaked out. And I don't blame him, we did meet ghosts as soon as we came in.

"...neeevvvaaa... ...iiivvv... ...ooouuu..."

"Is it just me or does it sound like its getting closer?" Deuce asked, also getting freaked out.

"Stooonesss... Stooonesss aaare miiiiine!" It said again. Then we saw it. A wired looking monster that had a bowl full of pitch black ink as a head. Trails of ink were following it. It had ink for years, still though it looked creepy. Its nothing like what I've seen before. I don't even think Solomon would know what this is.

"What is that thing?" Ace asked.

"Wait you don't know?" I asked him.

"I never heard of monsters before!" He yelled back.

"I'm outta here. No one said anything about monsters." Grim said looking for a way out.

"Did it say stones?" Deuce asked, looking at the monster.

"Stooonesss... ...nevvva give stooonesss...!"

"So there are some stones left and I bet this thing knows about it." Deuce said excited.

"Even with my great self I don't think we can beat that!" Grim said trying to reason with Deuce.

"We need a mage stone or else we'll all get expelled!" Deuce argued back. Clearly this dude has made up his mind.

"Are you crazy! That thing could kill you." Ace said trying to change Deuce's mind.

"I can't believe I have to agree with Ace, but he's right. Its too dangerous for you, especially alone." I told Deuce. Ace gave me a glare.

"Well too bad, I am not getting expelled!" Deuce yelled and got ready to charge at the monster.

Into The Mirror World (Obey Me and Twisted Wonderland Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now