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Title: sent | Epistolary

Author: hopemari-

Description:  What would happen next after Kristi typed a drunk text to her ultimate crush?

Book Review 


 - The title is short and simple 'sent', since that's the story began. Where the female lead, sent a message to the male lead regarding to his feelings. Though, the title can pertain to many things or circumstances making it generalize and vague to the whole story. But once a reader start reading the story, that's where the title make sense.

Book Cover

- It is simple and made originally by the said author. At first glance, as a reader you can tell that the story is epistolary base from the title and the book cover. There is no question ask 'Oh, it's epistolary'. Regarding to the whole plot connected to the cover, it's not directly telling what plot it is, or what is the concept base from the cover. 

   When it comes to aesthetic, the cover is very simple and cute, quite pleasing. The colors, somehow compliment to others.


- Since it is online base, it is wise to add some photos and audios for the readers to feel the events. Every chapter is fast phase, so photos is helpful, really. The use of apps is consistent, so readers is not confused. 

   The places are not given specifically, though the date and time is. 


- The plot is good, though it is quite common. The author still make way to make the story interesting. The story is light and short, the conflict is a misunderstanding for both lead characters, but it was conveyed well by the author.

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