Chapter 2: Forrest and Isabelle

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Smooth, thick strokes of violet streaked my legs. Orange and green was spread all over my arms, and red and blue was all over my chest and in my hair. Luckily, I had backed myself onto the fence before he could cover my back with paint. Thank goodness I had worn my bikini top and old jean shorts otherwise , my clothes would have been completely ruined. As he raced towards me, I had sprinted back behind the massive shed in his backyard beside the house. I quietly peeked around the corner, hoping he wouldn't be waiting for me. Luckily, he wasn't there so I tiptoed until I was at the old swing set in the corner of his backyard. It was eerily quiet as I grabbed my paint bucket and dipped my arms into it; feeling the slimy, wet, white seep onto my skin. Just as I was about to turn around two hands ran down my neck, shoulders, and back until they quickly wrapped around my waist to keep me in place.

"Forrest!" I shrieked and squirmed while he was laughing his head off. Probably because he had won our paint war and had gotten me entirely covered in paint.

"Ha!" he mocked me, "I win! Victory at last!" But before he could finish his monologue which I am sure he had practiced many times, I quickly rubbed my paint covered hands all over his face, causing him to sputter and quickly lean back. But, since I was in his tight hold, he fell back onto the ground with me on top of him. I blushed a bright shade of red. Even though we had been dating for a couple of months now, I still get nervous around him and end up blushing.

"Oh" Forrest said smirking, "You thought you were so smart with that plan, huh?" He gave out a gruff laugh as I blushed a deeper shade of red. "Well,"

Here we go again; another one of his long monologues. I thought to myself as I rolled my eyes.

"Wait wait wait," Forrest cut me from my thoughts, looking at me with narrowed eyes. "Did you just roll your eyes at me?"

Uh oh.

"You did!" he gasped while breaking out into a full on smile. "I can't believe you. You have just been so full of sass recently, haven't you?" He asked.

"You nose it!" I said while flicking his nose with my paint covered hands and watching his face scrunch up. I quickly got off of him before he could catch me because I just knew he wouldn't let that one slide. I quickly stood up and began bolting for the paint bucket, all the while laughing like a maniac.

"Oh. You're gonna' get it!" Forrest yelled while running towards me. I let out a small shreik as he came closer and closer. I had to think of something, and fast. So I bent over to reached for the paint bucket as fast as humanly possible. Unfortunately, it wasn't fast enough and before I knew it, I had two hand prints on my shorts. I gasped in shock as he quickly ran past me. Little did I know that the shock of him slapping my butt with his two, paint covered hands had caused my hands to let go of the bucket.

Paint was everywhere; all over my legs and body, all over the swing set and the grass. The fence was spattered with all sorts of colors now and actually looked surprisingly good.

"Gahhh!" I screamed. "Now I have to clean all this up." I pretended to be upset as I walked over to where the gardening hose was.

"Oh, baby. Don't worry, I'll help you" Forrest consoled from behind me.

Little does he know... I have a weapon.

I quickly turn around as I turn on the hose. Water gushes out, hitting him right in the chest and let out a truly girly screech. I began giggling as I continued to spray him with the freezing water. Soon enough, he calmed down and got used to the waters temperature and began running his hands through his hair as I doused it in water. Red colored water began to trickle down his body as he slowly rinsed it out of his hair. I watched as his white tank top gripped to his torso, clearly defining his abs and 'the v' which all the girls go crazy for.

Including me. Dang!

"Well, I think that's enough ogling for one day babe." Forrest cut me out of my thoughts.

"What?" I wined, "but don't you see, you're mine, so I can ogle at you all I want." I stated matter-of-factly, looking back at his chest.

"First," he said walking closer to me, "the sass is real. Wow!" He said as he whistled and I just rolled my eyes.

"Second, I'm the only one who should be doing the ogling" he stated making me blush a light shade of pink. I could feel his eyes slowly move down my body to my paint covered legs and back up.

"Honestly Forrest" I cut him from his thoughts (whatever they were), "could you be any more obvious?"

"Obvious about what?" He asked, taking a step towards me. I gulped.

"Um.. Uh... " I stuttered, too consumed with the thought of our proximity to worry about actually producing the correct words to say to him. Finally, I snapped out of my daze, "more obvious about checking me out!"

"Checking you out?!" He asked dumbfounded, making me regret saying it.

Maybe he doesn't like me. Maybe he wasn't checking me out. What have I done?

"Baby," taking a step even closer, he reached his hand up and placed it on my neck, rubbing small circles with his thumb, causing butterflies in my stomach. ' I wasn't "checking you out"' he used air quotes to accentuate his point. "I was merely taking in your beautiful figure and how perfect you look." I rolled my eyes at his lame excuse and tried to turn away. Before I got very far, his strong calloused hands reached out and grabbed my hips, pulling me back into his chest, causing us to be even closer than we were before.

"Oh!" I said looking around. "Well, this is cosy" I awkwardly stated.

"It sure is" his hazel eyes flicked down to my lips and then back at me, as if asking permission for what he was about to do. But before I could give my consent, his warm lips gently brushed up against mine. You could barely cause it a kiss and it left me wanting more. He opened his eyes and smirked down at me, knowing that I couldn't handle his 'barely kiss'. So instead of waiting for him to kiss me again, I took matters into my own hands. I slipped my hands up from my sides and grabbed onto both sides of his face, pulling him down towards me causing my lips to meet his. At first he was surprised which made me smile but then he realized what was going on and began kissing me back, his hands gently resting on my hips and slowly snaking around to my back. This created a flutter for butterfly's to erupt throughout my stomach which actually felt more like a thunderstorm. I had never felt this way before and I could certainly say that I enjoyed it. It felt like he was there only for me. He only cared for me. And he loved me. I wasn't sure if I could tell him just yet, but I was sure, I loved him too.

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