Chapter II

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Natalie's POV

I would arrive at the Mikaelson mannor and take a deep breath before walking "Marcel where the hell are you. You asked me to come here why!" I say as my voice echos through the house. I would then see marcel wall over to me "lower your voice there is no need to shout" I roll my eyes at him and see all my siblings except finn walk over to us. "Look Marcel you knew where I was you could have came to me if you needed me. I do not wish to be here so I'm going to go." I turn to walk away when Rebekah vamps infront of me looking at me "Natalie? Is that really you?!" She says tears falling down her face. I would look at her with a blank expression "wow you actually remember me. That's a surprise considering after henrik died you all ignored me and forgot I existed! You all didn't once come looking for me! Didn't try to even contact me!" I say with a snarky sassy tone. Rebekah looks at Me with a frown "Natalie please" I would stop her before she said anything else. "No Rebekah! Don't start taking some crap about how you all where busy with your lives! I kept tabs on all of you!"

I would turn to face klaus, his face pale after finding out who I really was "and you! If you ever lay a hand on me again Niklaus I will rip your head from your body!" I was beyond angry at this point. Marcel would grab my arm trying to calm me down but I would use my magic to throw him into a wall. All my siblings took a step back from me, well all but klaus. "How on earth did you do that" elijah asked, finally speaking. "Well dear brother unlike you all I still had access to my witch side when I was turned. Not that you all cared. Anyways enough about Me. Where is hope. I want to meet my niece." I say with a sickly sweet smile knowing they didn't know how I knew about hope. "How the hell do you know about my daughter!" Klaus says loudly. I smile and laugh "did you not hear what I said to Rebekah? I have been keeping tabs on you all for over a thousand years Niklaus. I know everything thing!"

Just as I said that a young girl about the age of seven appears with another woman whom I guessed was hayley marshall. The young girl walks over to klaus and hugs him then looks at me "Dad who is she?" I smile as the child pointed at me. "Her? She is no one. She was just about to leave" klaus says glaring at me. My eyes darken and I look at klaus "oh you have got to be kidding me Niklaus! You seriously hate me don't you? Is that why none of you came looking for me? Because you brainwashed our siblings into forgetting me?!" I say raising my voice. The girl would hide behind klaus scared. I would kneel down to her height "I'm sorry sweetheart. I am your aunt Natalie" I say smiling speaking in a calm tone of voice.

Hope would slowly come closer to me "you are my aunt? But dad told me aunt Rebekah and aunt Freya are my only aunt's." She says confused. I frown hearing that statement. I would stand up and look at my siblings. "You all disgust me. You all let hope believe she only had two aunts?! It's fine. I'll go." I turn and start walking away when kol grabbed my are. "Sister stay." He says but I shake my head "no. Leave me alone. It was a mistake coming to new orleans. You all don't have to worry I'll be gone within the week." And with that I left the Manor.

I would go back to my hotel room thinking about what had just happened. Part of me wanted to believe my family would welcome me back with open arms but I knew that wasn't the case. So why did this hurt so much? I knew this was going to happen yet it hurts, like being stabbed by a white oak stake over and over and over again, but having it never touch my heart. I shook the thoughs from my brain and lay in my bed closing my eyes and letting my brain drift softly to sleep. I could worry about everything tomorrow however for now, I needed rest.

765 Words.

Again guys that is the End of this chapter, what did you think of it? Will Natalie's siblings accept her? Will klaus stop being so mean to his little sister? Find out next time on The Forgotten Mikaelson.

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