Birthday Surprise//Alex Babinksi imagine

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The bright sunlight streamed in through your light coloured curtains, blinding you as you opened your eyes. You usually woke up way before your boyfriend, Alex. He loved sleeping. However, he wasn't lying beside you today.

Your bare feet hit the cold floor and you followed the scent of pancakes that lead towards the kitchen. You muttered a good morning to Alex and hugged him from behind. "Damn, you're awake! I was going to bring you breakfast in bed," he said.
"Should I go back to bed then?" you asked. He nodded. You giggled to yourself as you went to lie in be again.

A while later, Alex appeared with balloons tied to a tray. On the tray was a stack of pancakes complete with a lit candle, a cup of coffee and a box with a bow wrapped around it. You blew out the candle after Alex sang 'Happy Birthday' to you. He sat opposite you on the mattress, humming a made up tune. You smiled. He looked cute in his slightly oversized sweater and his messy hair.

After you had finished your breakfast, you reached for the present. "Wait, don't open it yet. I want to tell you something first," Alex interrupted. He began to talk about all the memories you had together and everything he liked about you and how happy you made him. Eventually, he took the lid off the box. "Will you marry me?" he asked. You stared at him, speechless. All you did was nod. He slid the silver, intricately designed ring on your finger and leaned in to kiss you. "Happy birthday," he whispered. "I love you."

Birthday Surprise//Alex Babinski imagineWhere stories live. Discover now