Karl - Let us go black goops!

Amelia - C'mon everyone try harder!

Some were not easy to tame

Herleif - We have to fight too!

Noah - But what can we do!? I'm scared!

Unfortnately or fortunately for the kids, Olaf wasn't easy to tame either and crushed some of the dakr creatures

Sven also managed to slip thorugh them as he helped t ooutmaneuver them

But flora around them were in Bron's favour and had the northudlrans put to sleep through some useful pheromones as they may get in the way

And now it was time.

Bron had to be quick before anything else happens. His foresight didn't lie, the fifth spirit was also near as he stared at the freezing tower rising from lower level which is flooding now. And not just her, she could see the earth giants from afar... that too was good

The more the merrier

Bron prepares himself as he draws the spiral symbol of the swirling rock in conjunction with the element of earth giants, on the floor with blood on his fingers

It was itching painfully but to Bron it was just annoyance that can be easily fixed now

Once the painting was done, the ritual began

Fall into the Void.

Ex Tempore,

Ex Spatio.

Tui, qui venerunt de lumine,

Liberum vobis.


libero te.

That is a specific blood ritual that releases The Darkness from his prison and allows him to roam the earth as a free being.

His associates made good distractions, as the protectors of light have not yet come here. But he was sure that was temporary, their strength of heart is great

That's why he had to hurry

He could feel Elsa standing behind him, with all the heartless defeated and rampaging people restrained

Kristoff - I'm so glad that she came...

While he was saying genuinely, he could see the color in her eyes and it was same as Bron which didn't help

Kritoff - Elsa? Are you alright?

Elsa grits her teeth as she rubs her head

Elsa - I'm... trying ... to be calm... sorry, it's not like me to simply lash out at people

Kristoff - You sure you can handle it?

Elsa - I will... you should look for the children... don't leave thm alone on this please...

Elsa almost sounded pleading at which Kristoff nods and goes to it

Elsa then approaches closer to Bron just as Anna notices her

Elsa motions her to be quiet, she will try to sneak up on him or slowly freeze him in place

Perhaps both...

Bron was fully aware of how close she was and to her misfortune, it was too late

You are far too late, fifth spirit

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